Marlee shook her head. "No," she hiccuped, causing a crooked smile to cross JJ's face. She was sort of a lightweight, and it entertained him. "I think I'm good."

"Fine then, I'll give it to John B," he said with mocking offense, taking Marlee's empty cup out of her hand and filling it up once again. With a roll of her eyes, Marlee went with him to give it to John B nonethless, the pair greeting him with matching grins. "Want it?" JJ asked, holding it up for him. "Miss Marlee here is a bit of a lightweight and turned it down," he frowned, teasing her.

"Hey, I'm being slightly responsible," huffed Marlee, not wanting to wake up completly disgusting in the morning.

John B laughed at the exchange, before beginning to take it. "For me? Yeah, I'll take a sip," he joked, but before JJ hands it off, something must've caught his eye, she and John B turning to see what.

Marlee doesn't hide her urge to vomit at the sight, visibly gagging. "Hey, hey Sarah!" called JJ, motioning for Sarah to join them. She watched as Sarah and Topper share a skeptical glance, before the blonde grabs his hand and waves in their direction. Marlee forces a smile back, not minding Sarah. Topper however, made her expression settle into a cold, hard, glare. To say the least, she was not a fan of Topper. "Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" he offered.

Sarah shook her head with a smile, before shooting the redhead a confused look. Marlee shrugged, only hoping JJ wasn't looking to pick a fight, the gun in his pocket looming in the back of her mind. "No, no thanks."

"Why, is it not fancy enough for you?" asked JJ with the tilt of his head, voice edging on acusatory. Marlee nudges him gently, but he only casts her a glance. "What, Mar, I'm just being nice," he smiled, and she meets John B's gaze, the two almost knowing exactly what was going to ensue.

Sarah tucks a piece of hair behind her ear in the wind, trying to diffuse the tension. "No, we were just leaving-"

"Hey, you know what? I'll take it," cut Topper, Marlee's eyes rolling into the back of her head at his tone. He cast her a smile as he reached for the cup, a scoff coming from Marlee. The way he acted as if she was just completely brushed aside made he want to punch his perfect teeth, and admittedly, a part of her hoped someone would. "Thank you man, I appreciate it."

JJ smiled sarcastically. "That's nice, but I didn't ask you. Now, if you said pretty please, maybe," he shrugged, a loud sigh erupting from Marlee before she moved to stand by John B, irritated. She was pissed off at JJ for bringing them over here, and Topper for being Topper. "But you didn't."

"Oh, pretty please," drawled Topper, and Marlee loses her patience. She leans her head against John B's arm to stare at the sand, exasperated. He pats her head, sighing all the same. They were perfectly fine before JJ decided to 'spice things up.' She never minded a fight, hell, even enjoyed them, but this was deemed unnecessary and just brought Topper back into her life, even if momentarily.

Continuing to ignore them, she hears JJ brush aside Topper's comment. "Here Sarah, you can have it."

"She doesn't want it you--" At the sound of a cup splashing, Marlee snapped to attention, standing up straight. At the sight of JJ's now wet shirt, she grits her teeth, eyes narrowed in Topper's direction as he shoves JJ. She didn't care if JJ provoked him, he was her best friend, and Topper was someone she hates. It just made her remember things she thought she had forgotten.

John B grabs her arm as she lunged, turning her around. "I got this, Mar," he sighed before yanking Topper away roughly from JJ, a smile forming on Marlee's lips at that. He moved between the pair swiftly, putting his hands on JJ's chest to momentarily halt the fight. "Nah, nah nah," John B shook his head, Marlee's gaze on the heavy rise and fall of JJ's chest. This was not going to end well.

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