Head Over Heels?

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[Lily's POV]

          I woke up at 6 a.m. on the dot. I could barely sleep last night - I was too excited about today. I quickly stretched my arms and cracked my back, before smiling to myself and throwing my blankets off.

I quickly slipped on my slippers and quietly tiptoed out of the dorm. As I creeped down the stairs to the Common Room, I was disappointed to hear - silence. No noise.

Usually, I love silence. There's nothing better than being alone with your thoughts without any disturbances. Today, however, I was hoping for noise, voices - namely, the voices of four sleepy teenage boys.

I huffed as I fell back on the couch. I checked my watch - 6:05. They were late. Again.

Fifteen minutes passed and I was still all alone in the Common Room. I rolled my eyes and sighed, exasperated.

"Fine," I mumbled to myself, "if they're not coming to me, I'm going to them."

I tiptoed up the stairs into the boys' dormitories. This was, obviously, not allowed, but my plan was too important and I would not let those prats ruin it.

I went to James' bed first.

"Jamessss," I whispered, shaking him lightly.
"Goodmorning love, time to get up."

"Mummmmm.... I'm tired.... come later," he said sleepily, swatting my hand.

I rolled my eyes and headed over to Remus.

"Remus," I said, a bit louder this time, "wake up. Remember our plan? For your girlfriend?" I coaxed.

"Mmmh, girlfriend...." he grumbled, and turned to the other side.

"Remus!" I said sternly, "(Y/N), remember? Get up, we have to get you to win her back."

Almost at an instant, his eyes opened. "Oh, blimey, we're late to the meeting, aren't we?" He groaned. "I'll wake the others up. We'll be down in 10," he said, reluctantly getting out of bed.

-time skip 10 minutes later-

After what felt like an hour, I heard the boys' sleepy voices and thumping footsteps. I smiled.

"Okay, good morning sleepyheads," I said to the clearly tired and annoyed boys in front of me. "We're running super late, so let's start."

"Did we really have to do this at 6 a.m. on a bloody Sun'ay morning, Lil, really?" Sirius groaned.

I glared at him. "Listen, Sirius. Just because your love life is non existent doesn't mean Remus' has to be. You're his friend, right? So you'll help him."

"Ouhhh, right in the heart," Peter punched a clearly annoyed Sirius in the arm.

"Okay, so, here's the plan. First off, James is going to be -"

Our plan was interrupted by the sound of the painting swinging open.

We all froze and turned our eyes to the hallway to see who it was.

The figure appeared to be Severus, with a sour expression on his face.

"Severus?" we said in unison.

"How did you even get in here," Remus wondered aloud.

"Oh, your good friend (Y/N) gave me the password," he said, nonchalantly, "what are you lot doing up so early?"

"(Y/N) gave you the password? Why?" James said, his hands turned to fists on instinct.

"Well, because I asked for it. Anyways, I'm on my way to see her right now, actually, wish I could stop to chat, but..."

Fifth Year - Young Remus Lupin x Reader | ✅Where stories live. Discover now