[edit - 235 views !!!!! THATS PRETTY FREAKIN LIT. thank thank thank you guys so much for voting for my chapters and adding them to your lists :) and to everyone else who's reading this fanfic and dealing with all my inconsistency. love you all][Remus' POV]
Naturally, I woke up at around 6 a.m, like always. I was still a bit groggy, so I stretched in my bed for a few minutes before finally fully waking up. I pulled on my socks and grabbed a quill, some ink, and a large piece of parchment which would soon contain all the details to James' upcoming Halloween prank, that I, of course, had to plan.
I headed to the Common Room quietly. Oh, how I loved waking up early - so peaceful and quiet. Hogwarts was always loud, exciting, hectic - and sometimes I needed a break. Luckily for me, no one in the entire school liked to wake up early.
Or so I thought.
I carefully laid my parchment on the Common Room floor. After five minutes' time, I stopped writing as I heard footsteps.
They belonged to (Y/N), who wrapped herself in a blanket and sleepily waddled down the stairs. Heat rushed to my cheeks as I remembered our encounter last night.
"Good morning, (Y/N)," I quietly said to her as she entered the Common Room.
She turned wide-eyed to me, a bit startled.
"Remus? What are you doing up so early?" she mumbled, still half asleep even though her eyes were wide open.
I lifted the parchment up. "James - Halloween prank - I have to organize it," I said.
"As always," she smiled.
"So," I began, "what are you doing up so early? You look like you'd much rather be in bed."
"Oh! I - uh, you know, bathroom," she smiled sheepishly at me and pointed to the door.
"Aha, explains it, well, go on, then," I awkwardly replied.
I mentally slapped myself.
She reddened and headed out of the Common Room.
[Your POV]
I picked the worst time to go to the bathroom, I looked like a sack of potatoes and completely and utterly embarrassed myself in front of Remus, I thought hotly to myself as I headed to the toilets.
After I finished my business and washed my hands, I splashed some cold water on my face to try to wake myself up.
No such luck.
Now I was cold and tired, and I would embarrass myself a second time, going back through the Common Room to see Remus again.
When I got through the portrait, unfortunately Remus was still there, and he looked up again and smiled at me.
[Remus' POV]
"Hi, again," I said stupidly as I saw (Y/N) crawl through the portrait hole.
"Hi, again," she replied to me as she took off her blanket and sat close by the fire on the floor.
"So, what's the super extravagant and probably super stupid plan that James wants to pull off?" she questioned, slightly leaning close to get a good look at the parchment.
"Well," I patiently start, "his first thought was to go into the Forbidden Forest and get snakes and such, and to release them during the Halloween Feast,"
"but, that would be pretty hard, considering there's no way to go into the Forbidden Forest without, you know, dying," she finished.
"Well, yes. That and, Lily hates snakes," I smiled.
"She sure does, I think she would try to kill James, if he were to release snakes," she said, paused for a moment, then started to laugh.
"So, we haven't come up with a good enough plan yet, so I'm trying to think of a good, safe prank that won't get us, or anyone else, killed or expelled," I conclude.
"Well, let me help," she said, "I'm sure I can think of something, with you four rubbing off on me for the past four years."
So that's we did, we brainstormed and laughed about all the ideas that would be so fun to do, but would never actually happen.
An hour or so had passed and it was around 7:15, and everyone was waking up. We still hadn't come up with anything.
I was having such a good time, that was, until I heard James and Sirius practically trample down the stairs.
"Ugh," I groaned, "James and Sirius. I swear they're going to start bugging -"
But I couldn't finish my sentence because they just showed up.
"WHOO, what do we have here?" James eyed (Y/N) and I.
"Nothing, James, we're literally working on your prank," I patiently tried to explain.
"Oh bugger off, honestly, it was just a joke," Sirius said, annoyed.
"Plus, it's no secret you fancy her!" James whispered as he walked by me.
I do not, I mouthed, as I started to get red.
(Y/N) was sitting on the floor, and didn't have a clue about what was going on.
"Well, good morning to you two, bye Remus, I'm off to get ready," she said, as she picked up her blanket and quickly jogged up the stairs.
As she disappeared up the stairs, I heatedly whisper - shouted to them.
"Are you two crazy? Saying some codswallop like that? She could've heard you!" I stress.
"Oh, shut your trap, mate, honestly. We all know you fancy her. Quite obvious, too. Don't get mad at us for telling you the truth!" James put his arms up in defence.
"I do not," I prompted, believing them more and more each second.
Oh, there's no way I could like (Y/N). Sure she's sweet, beautiful, loving, and wouldn't mind knowing I'm a wolf (a/n - only because every other fanfic is the opposite) but she wouldn't want to date me! She could do so much better than plain old me, with my raggedy face and messy hair.
I pondered to myself until I realized James and Sirius had left.
[Lily's POV]
There's no way what I heard could be true.
I thought for a moment and realized that it was obvious, all the times he smiled when he was around her and blushed and laughed, how could I not have seen this sooner?
I almost headed upstairs to go tell (Y/N), but then thought better of it.
She could figure this out by herself, perhaps, I think she may like Remus, too...
word count: 1065
BET Y'ALL DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING !! sorry for not uploading for like almost three weeks. school keeps me busy :/ anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I promise some juicier parts soon ;)emma x

Fifth Year - Young Remus Lupin x Reader | ✅
FanfictionEver since first year, you've hung out with the Marauders. They've always seemed like family to you. During the summer before fifth year, you've realised you think of one of the Marauders as more than a friend... Every setting/character in this fic...