Extra Chapter - Spending the Night

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Warning! This chapter contains a lemon ahead! (Smut/sexual content) I have marked the beginning and end of these scenes with warning texts, so if you're a child or dislike this sort of content, please skip past it and feel free to enjoy the rest of the chapter! Otherwise, for those of you at a mature enough age and whom enjoy this sort of thing, have fun!

(l/n) - last name
(m/n) - mom's name
(f/f) - favorite food
(f/m) - favorite movie

While walking home, you noticed Joey had a bit of a limp, a twinge of guilt building in your gut at the fact that he got hurt because of you. “I’m sorry Joey….” “Hm? For what?” He asks, still sounding as chipper as always. “You ended up getting dragged into my mess and had to bail me out again.” “What are you talking about? I wasn’t dragged into anything.” “But if I were stronger, you wouldn’t have had to come and protect me.” “___(f/n), I would have done the same thing for anyone! You think I’m just gonna sit back and watch as a bunch of bullies gang up on someone? No way! That’s just not the kinda guy I am. I’m just glad I got there before you were seriously hurt. If I could have been there sooner, trust me, I would have.” Joey replies, a new question then coming to mind. “By the way, why were you there in the first place?” You ask curiously. “Oh yeah. My dad sent me out to go grab somethin for him. There’s another store a lot closer to my house, but this one has my favorite flavor of popsicles! So I took the long route over here. And boy am I glad that I did, otherwise I wouldn’t have heard all that shouting and come looking to find you! That would have cost me a whole ton of boyfriend points.” The end of his answer can’t help but cheer you up and make you laugh, Joey going on again about some imaginary point system he seems to have created in his head. By the time the two of you got back to your house it had been nearly an hour since your mom sent you on that errand, only just now realizing that you had completely failed to bring back any flour. “Crap!” You curse under your breath. “What is it?” Joey asks. “I forgot to buy some more flour before we came home! That’s literally the one thing my mom sent me out for!” “Come on, you really think your mom’s gonna care about that? As soon as she gets one look at all those bruises on your face she’s gonna forget all about it.” Joey comments as both of you step up to the front door. As if on cue, the door suddenly flings open inward, your mother standing in the entrance ready to give you the lecture of a lifetime until she takes in your current condition. Her eyes widen in surprise and she quickly shifts gears, her mama bear instincts kicking in and going into worry mode. “___(F/N)! What happened to you?! Are you alright?! Who did this to you?! Were you mugged?!” “Mom, I’m fine.” “Fine?! You call this fine?! You’re all beat up and covered in blood!” “It’s not that bad. It’s not even my blood, so calm down. I’ll be alright, don’t worry so much.” You insist. “What do you mean it’s not your blood?! Then who’s is it?!” She asks, giving up seconds later and huffing her annoyance at your stubbornness. Your mother glances up, seeming to finally acknowledge Joey’s presence now that her first priority of your safety had been addressed. “And you must be my little ___(f/n)’s new boyfriend! I’ve been waiting to meet you! I see you’re in even worse shape than her. Did you take care of whatever thugs did this to my precious daughter?” Joey can’t help but grin, glad to see a parent that actually cares about the wellbeing of their child. “It wasn’t that big of a deal. Just a couple punks I scared off. I’m sure ___(f/n) could have handled it herself even if I hadn’t shown up.” Joey fibs, not wanting to worry your mother. “Well, I’m still grateful for your help. ___(f/n)’s certainly lucky to have found a boyfriend as wonderful as you.” “I’m nothing special. I’m the one that’s lucky ___(f/n)’s even interested in a guy like me.” Your mother smiles, obviously liking Joey more and more by the second. “I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced yet. I’m Mrs. ___(l/n), but you can call me ___(m/n).” “Glad to finally meet you Mrs. ___(m/n). I’m Joey!” “Well Joey, how would you like to stay for dinner? I’m cooking ___(f/f).” “Are you sure? I wouldn’t wanna impose on you or anything.” “Not at all! It’d be my pleasure! Please, I insist.” Your mother presses. “If you say so, I’d be glad to!” “Mom, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I kinda forgot the flour. Actually, I bought some, but then I kinda…. Lost it? And I forgot to get some more.” “Oh sweetie, don’t worry about it. I’ll just make something else for a side that doesn’t need flour. Now come on inside before I drag you in.” Your mom ushered both of you in the house. “Let me go get the first aid kit. You two wait right here, I’ll be right back.” She stepped out of the room, heading down the hallway and grabbing something out of the closet, returning moments later with a small red box. “Here. Sit down on the couch and I’ll fix the two of you up good as new.” “That’s not necessary Mrs ___(m/n). I’ve dealt with my fair share of bruises so I think I can handle it.” Joey replies. “Oh, alright then. Here you go.” She hands him the first aid kit. “___(f/n), why don’t you show him to your room and patch yourselves up while I finish dinner? It should be done in about fifteen minutes.” “O-Oh…. Okay.” You answer off guard. “Great! I’ll call you both down when it’s ready!” With that, your mom turned and went into the kitchen as you hesitantly led Joey up the stairs and into your room, making sure to leave the door open behind you. “Wow! Nice room yah got here ___(n/n)! It’s way cleaner than mine, that’s for sure!” “Thanks…” You reply as you sit down on the bed, Joey sitting next to you a moment later. “Let’s see what we got here.” Joey opens the small kit, revealing a box of bandaids, some cotton balls, a roll of gauze, and a bunch of disinfectant wipes. “This should be enough!” He exclaims, grabbing several of the wipes, cotton balls, bandaids, and setting the rest to the side. “Why don’t we start with your arm?” He suggests. “Y-Yeah, sounds good.” You take off your jacket, tossing it aside and holding out your arm which Joey takes gingerly, examining the barrage of bruises. Opening one of the disinfectant wipes, he dabs it on each of the darkened areas, making sure there are no other wounds, then doing the same to your other arm. “Alright, you’ve got a couple scratches on your face next.” He comments, moving closer to you to get a better look, his face only several inches away from your own. You feel the color rise to your cheeks, the two of you unintentionally staring into each other’s eyes. “These ones look like they’re open, so this’ll probly sting a bit.” Joey warns, breaking the growing silence. “N-No problem….” You reply before he wipes the new disinfectant across the cuts, making you wince at the sudden stinging sensation, but quickly get used to it. Joey puts a bandaid over a particularly bad wound on your cheek. Afterwards, he stands up and heads towards the door, grabbing the knob and beginning to close it. “W-What are you doing?” You ask sheepishly. “I’m guessing you probably have a lot of bruises on your stomach and chest too, and I figured you wouldn’t want one of your family members to walk by and see you without your shirt on so I was going to close the door. That alright?” “Oh…. yeah. I guess.” You mutter as he shuts the door, walking back over to the bed and sitting down. You glanced down at the blanket beneath you, unsure of what would happen next. “So um…. Do you want me to look away while yoooouuuu….?” Joey trails off. “U-Um! Yes! Yes please….” You blurt out, mentally smacking yourself for just sitting there like an idiot. What were you expecting? For him to take your shirt off himself?” “Let me know when I can look.” He comments as he turns around, facing the other direction. You grabbed the bottom of your t-shirt, which was still stained from that girl's nose bleed, slowly lifting it above your head and dropping it on the floor. Nervously glancing off to the side, you tried to ignore the blush spreading across your face. “Y-You can look now….” Joey turned back around, unable to stop himself from giving you a quick glance up and down. “Wow….” He mumbled to himself, quickly realizing that you could clearly hear him. “Uh, w-wow Those girls definitely did a number on yah.” He says trying to save himself, your cheeks darkening to a shade you’d never thought possible. “B-but I’ll fix it no problem!” Joey reaches for another wipe, fumbling with the package and dropping it several times before managing to get it open. Joey presses the wipe against your stomach, the cold damp material causing you to let out a short high pitched squeak, Joey pulling his hand back. “Are you alright?” He quickly asks. “Yeah, the cold just startled me. G-Go ahead.” “Kay.” Joey continues to clean each of the bruises on your stomach, sides, and back, lastly reaching your chest. “Um, if you feel uncomfortable I can always stop.” He mentions. “No, it’s fine…. I don’t mind.” You answer, a part of you secretly enjoying having his eyes on you like this. Joey dabs the wipe against the top of your breasts, doing his best to stop himself from staring too much, though finding it rather difficult with the task at hand. He can’t help but take note of your lacy ___(f/c) bra, not having considered you the type to wear such cute underwear. Just as Joey’s about to finish up, there’s a knock at the door. Your eyes widen in panic as you quickly look over at the knob, realizing that it’s unlocked. Neither of you have time to react before the door swings open, your father standing in the doorway. “Hey ___(f/n), your mother says-” He cuts off mid sentence, stopping and staring at the scene in front of him. Both of you sit there silent and frozen in place, at a complete loss for words or action in this situation. The only thing running through your mind was that this was the end of your first relationship. “....dinner’s ready.” Without asking any questions or making any comments, your dad shuts the door and walks away from your room, his footsteps going down the stairs. “W-Wait! It’s not what you think!” You finally shout long after he’s gone. “Welp, there’s a nine outta ten chance your dad hates me now.” Joey comments and laughs awkwardly. Not wanting to draw anymore suspicion than you’re sure has already been created, you quickly run over and grab a clean shirt from your dresser, throwing it on and opening the bedroom door. “Come on, we should hurry and join them.” “Probably a good idea.” Joey agrees, the two of you making your way downstairs together and into the kitchen, where there were two empty seats along with already made plates waiting for you. Both of you sat down, Joey taking the liberty of pulling out your chair for you, which didn’t go unnoticed by your parents. As all of you began eating, your mother was the first one to start up a conversation. “So Joey, how long have you two known each other? Did you just meet recently? I’ve tried asking my daughter, but she refuses to tell me anything for some unfathomable reason. She never tells me anything.” You roll your eyes at her comment, Joey smiling and giving her a cheerful answer. “Well we knew each other a few years ago in middle school, but during the summer between highschool we kinda got outta touch. It wasn’t till just a week or two ago that we started hanging out again.” “Really? And what made you decide to start dating?” “Mom!” You protest, her of course ignoring you. “I dunno. I guess we just sorta began to like each other the more time we spent together.” Joey explains. “Aw, isn’t that sweet? Don’t you agree dear?” Your mother asks, glancing over at your father. “Not as sweet as this food.” He replies, completely ignoring the original question. “You said it, this is great! You’re a really good cook Mrs ___(m/n).” Joey compliments. “Thank you Joey! I’m glad you like it! It’s ___(f/n)’s favorite, so I cook it pretty often.” “If that’s the case, then maybe I’ll have to start coming over more often!” Joey comments with a joking smile. “Of course! Come over whenever you like! We’d be glad to have you. In fact, what do you say to staying the night?” You nearly choked as you coughed on your food, picking up your glass of water and chugging it down. “What?! You can’t be serious!” “Why not sweetie? I thought you’d be glad to have your boyfriend spend the night.” “B-But I mean- What about dad?! There’s no way he’d be okay with that, right?!” You quickly announce, scrambling for an excuse. “I have no problem with it.” He answers flatly. “WHAT?!” You practically shout in shock. “He’s got my seal of approval.” Your dad adds with a quick thumbs up. You sit there with a blank expression, utterly stunned into silence, unsure of what kind of hellish trick is being played here. What devils magic is at work? Why has your entire family suddenly lost their minds? Did you transfer into the twilight zone without noticing? All that was certain was that the world had gone mad. “I’m not so sure about that. My dad would probably wonder where I am all night.” “Then just send him a text. I’m sure he’d be fine with it, and I won’t take no for an answer! Not after everything you’ve done for ___(f/n) today.” Your mother kept on persisting, refusing to give in. Joey gave a quick glance in your direction, seeing you frantically shaking your head in objection with no attempt at hiding it. “I guess it couldn’t hurt for one night. I’ll just sleep on the couch.” Joey compromised. “Nonsense! I wouldn’t dream of having you stay on that uncomfortable thing. You’ll sleep in ___(f/n)’s room with her!” “MOM!” You screamed, everyone continuing to ignore you as if you weren’t even present. WHAT WAS GOING ON HERE?!?!? It didn’t take long for Joey to realize that there was no winning this war, so there was no point in keeping up the battle. He knew when it was time to throw in the towel and surrender. “Alright Mrs ___(m/n). How can I say no to that?” “Like this! NO!” You interject, once again no one giving you the slightest bit of attention. The rest of dinner went by normally, at least as normally as it could with you constantly trying to regain everyone’s sanity. After you were all finished eating, your mother collected all of the dishes, Joey offering to help clean them. “Need a hand with those Mrs ___(m/n)?” “I’ve got it, but I appreciate the offer. Why don’t you and ___(f/n) head upstairs and watch a movie before getting ready for bed?” She suggested. “Sounds good to me, will do!” Joey replies, you standing up from your chair and grabbing his arm, practically dragging him up the stairs and into your room. “Have fun you two! Let me know if you need anything!” Your mom shouts as you slam your door shut. “Woah, something wrong ___(f/n)? You seem upset.” Joey asks, obviously trying to play dumb and failing miserably. “No duh I’m upset! What was that?!” “What was what?” He repeats. “You know what! Downstairs! At dinner! I made it very clear that I did NOT want you to stay the night! Yet you went along with it anyway!” “I didn’t exactly go along with it. Your mother was backing me into a corner! That woman would not give up! I didn’t have much of a choice! Besides, what’s so wrong with me sleeping over? You got something against it?” Joey asks, turning the tables around on you. “N-No not really….” “Then why are you so upset about it?” “Because! I’ve never had a boy stay over before! It’s… nerve wracking…. I have no clue what’s going to happen, and it’s kinda…. scary.” You admit, speaking softly at the end. Joey hesitated for a moment, wanting to make sure he handled this the best he could. Moving closer towards you, Joey wraps his arms around your chest, pulling you into a soft hug. “___(f/n), I promise, nothing’s going to happen that you don’t want to. Alright? I wouldn’t even think about doing something you felt uncomfortable with. I told you before, there’s no rush. We have all the time we need. Understand?” You’re quiet for a moment, considering his words before nodding your head. “Good. And if you decide it, I can always leave whenever you want.” “No.” You quickly reply, wrapping your arms around him as well and returning his hug. “I want you to stay…” Joey smiles, leaning his head against yours. “Then it’s settled. I’m glad you said so, cause I really didn’t wanna leave either.” The two of you stayed like that for a minute longer before finally pulling apart. “So, wanna pick out a movie together?” He asks. “Actually, I still feel pretty dirty from earlier. And I think I’ve got flour in my hair, so mind if I go take a shower real quick?” “No problem! I’ll stay out here and see what movies look good on Netflix.” “Kay, I’ll be back soon.” You say as you grab a pair of pjs, about to head into the hall. “Don’t keep me waiting too long! Or else I might just start the movie without yah!” Joey replied as you left the room, making your way to the bathroom where you turned on the shower, locking the door and dropping your clothes on the floor. You looked in the mirror at all of the bruises on your body, thankful that those girls ended up getting arrested, otherwise they probably would have continued to torment you at school. Knowing the school’s policies on behaviour and fights, there was no doubt they’d be expelled after this. Once the water reached a hot enough temperature, you hopped inside and let out a sigh of relief, a feeling of calm washing over your mind as the water relaxed your body. You started washing your hair, allowing your thoughts to wander as the soap began to lather. You pictured Joey lying comfortably on your bed, your thoughts running wild and imagining him stripping down to his boxers, waiting for you to return so he could-. Quickly opening your eyes, you wondered what the hell you were thinking about?! Cursing your imagination for getting so out of control. Joey had said so himself, nothing would happen that you didn’t want! But if you were thinking about it, then…. What if you did want it? No way! You’d only been dating for three days! That was way too soon for anything like that! It was out of the question! Not wanting your mind to drift off any further, you rushed through the rest of your shower and got out as soon as you could. After drying off with a towel, you got dressed into your pajamas which were a ___(f/c) tank top and a pair of sweatpants, then brushing your teeth and blow drying your hair. As you combed out all of the tangles, you couldn’t stop yourself from wondering. What would it feel like if Joey did touch you? Just being near him usually gave you butterflies, and kissing him nearly made you light headed. What else could he make you feel? Shaking your head furiously, you threw those thoughts out as far as you could, shoving your face into your hands. “No no no NO! BAD ___(F/N)!” You scolded yourself in the mirror. Taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself down and headed back to the room, promising not to let your mind get carried away again. “Hey! Look who’s back! That was fast!” Joey greeted as you entered the room, lying on your bed with his shoes and belt on the floor. “Yeah… Have any luck with the movies?” “You bet! Come check em out! I think I found a few good ones!” You walk over to the bed, awkwardly lying down next to him with his chest against your back.  “Any of these look good to you?” Joey asks. “Uummmm…. How about ___(f/m)?” You suggest. “Nice! That one was my first pick too!” Joey holds up the remote, selecting the movie and the usually intro playing on the television. “I hope you don’t mind me sleeping on your bed in these dirty clothes. Hopefully I don't smell too bad.” Joey comments. “It’s fine…” You reply. As the movie starts, Joey snakes his arm around your waist, resting his hand on your thigh comfortably. You turn your face more towards the screen, trying to hide the light blush forming on your cheeks. “You comfy ___(n/n)?” “Y-Yeah.” You answer shyly. “Just checking.” As the movie plays, you slowly begin to relax, leaning more into Joey and resting your head against his chest, noticing that you happen to actually enjoy his slightly musky scent. In fact, you might enjoy it a little too much. You slowly rotate your body so that you're facing him, pressing your nose into his shirt and taking a long deep breath, inhaling his manly odor and titillating teenage hormones. “What are you doing?” He asks curiously, glancing down at you and raising an eyebrow. “N-Nothing! Just…. Breathing!” A smirk spread across his lips at your reaction, your cheeks flaming red. “Really? I guess I must not smell that bad after all.” You grab the blanket, pulling it up and over your head, hiding your face. Joey lets out a small chuckle. “Don’t worry ___(f/n), I’m only teasing yah.” “Well stop it!” You pipe from underneath the thin layer. “Alright, I won’t do it again.” Sliding the blanket down just enough to reveal your face, you look up into his brown eyes. “Promise?” “I promise.” He answers honestly. “Fine….” You throw the blanket back down to the bottom of the bed, turning away from Joey and focussing back on the movie. Halfway through the film, you hear Joey let out a content sigh, feeling his breath on the back of your neck, making your hairs stand on end. The warm feeling seems to slowly spread throughout the rest of your body, reaching your lower half. You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself and prevent your thoughts from going loose again, only to find that it doesn't work. With Joey's body pressed up against you, you're finding it harder and harder to control yourself. Even though you and Joey have only been dating for a short time, you've had feelings for him for several years, so maybe it was okay….

Joey Wheeler x Reader - Bulliesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن