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Sitting in your living room, Joey was patching up several scrapes and bruises with band-aids and neosporin. One wound on your cheek had to be disinfected with rubbing alcohol. "Okay ___(f/n), this might sting a bit." Joey dabbed the injury with the cotton ball in his hand. You cringed. "Sorry." "It's fine, thanks Joey." As Joey put the last band-aid on you, he noticed a look of nostalgia in your eye, thinking about something. "What's on your mind?" "Hm? Oh I was just thinking how, isn't it kind of funny that just a few years ago you were bullying people. And now your stopping them, helping instead." Back then it never really bothered you that Joey would bully people, he didn't ever do anything to serious. But you were glad he had turned around and been there to help you out. "That Yugi kid has really changed you, huh?" "Yeah. I'm really thankful for Yugi, he's shown me a lot. We're totally best friends now." Joey replied with a goofy grin. This brought a sad look to your face that he didn't notice, but you were still happy for him. "How about you?" "What?" "Have you been doing good since middle school? What's been going on, besides the gang thing." Joey was resting the side of his cheek in his hand, smiling at you listening and seeming genuinely interested. This more than surprised you to say the least. For some reason this all just didn't feel real, like it was a dream. You couldn't believe you were talking with your old best friend like this again the way you used to. It made you so warm and comforted, which you hadn't felt in a long time. "Nothing really. My life's been pretty boring. Anyways, thanks again." You stood up from the couch, Joey standing too. "We should hang out soon ___(f/n)." "Really?" You asked, surprised. "Yeah!" Joey replied. "A-Alright." "Is tomorrow good for you?" He asked. "Tomorrow... Sure." "Great, see you then. Let's meet up by your locker again." Joey suggests. "Okay. Sounds good." "See you then!" You slowly waved as Joey left, the echoing sound of the front door closing leaving you stunned as to how any of this managed to happen so suddenly. It felt like your life was changing all in the span of a day.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

The whole day you were nervous and had slight anxiety, worried whether or not things would go well today after school. When the last bell rang, you headed over to your locker, finding Joey already there waiting for you once you arrived. He was leaning with his back up against the locker and arms crossed, turning his head and spotting you. "Hey ___(f/n)!" "Hi Joey, I didn't expect you to be here so fast." "Thought I would surprise you and beat yah to it. So are you ready to go?" He asks, smiling. "Yeah! Where to?" "I was thinking the park we used to hideout at, that work?" "S-sounds good." You stuttered at the thought of your old hang out, that place not having crossed your mind in ages. "Let's go then!" Joey smiled, standing up straight. You could swear he winked at you, which made you blush for some reason that you didn't understand. Glancing away in embarrassment to hide your tinted cheeks, the two of you began walking.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"Wow, this place brings back a lot of memories huh ___(n/n)?" Staring at the old playground in front of you, you were silent, taken back by all the memories rushing through your mind. "___(f/n)?" "Uh! What?" You responded, slightly startled. Joey laughed, finding your little zone outs funny and a little cute. "Don't laugh at me!" You shouted, bright red again. "Sorry, I wasn't try'nah be mean or anything." "Oh... sorry for yelling at you then." You apologized quietly. "Don't worry about it." It was silent, with the exception of the wind blowing through and rustling the leaves of the nearby trees. "So... what do you want to do?" You chimed, Joey looking around the small park hmmming. His eyes landed on the perfect idea, face lighting up. "Bet I can beat you in a race through the playground!" "Aren't we kind of big for that?" At your statement, Joey gave you one of his more creepy looks. "Does that mean you forfeit?" "No way!" Shocked by your own enthusiasm, you covered your mouth. "Awesome! Okay first we'll climb up the slide, crawl through the tunnel, go down the pole, run up the stairs and jump off grabbing the monkey bars which we'll climb across leading to the bridge and then go back down the slide, scale the swings and run around the whole thing one full time." "That's a lot. I don't think I can remember all that. Why don't you go first so I can watch?" You suggest. "No objections here!" "I'll time you on my phone." You say, pulling it out from your pocket. Joey stepped up in front of the slide at the start. "Get ready to see a new definition of lightning speed!" He bragged. "Ready, set... GO!" Joey practically hurdled the slide rather than climbed it, dove through the tunnel like he was jumping into a pool, swung down the pole, and overall flew through the rest of the obstacle course. "Time!" "What'd I get?" "Two minutes and seven seconds." "Booyaaah! Try and beat that! Heehee!" Joey bragged. This completely got you pumped up. "I'll wipe your time no problem." "Oh yeah, your turn." You handed Joey your phone to be the timer and stepped up the the slide ready to dominate this race. "Ready whenever you are." "GO!" Your feet were hardly visible as you dashed through each task without a problem. Nearly slipping on the bars, you made up for lost time on the lap around the playground. "-and stop!" Panting from the over exertion, you slumped over to Joey. "What I *breath* get? *breath*" "Two minutes and three seconds." Your energy returned to you the moment you heard that. "In your face!" "Dang! How'd you get so fast?" You shrugged your shoulders in reply. "Aw, I can't believe I lost to a girl." "I'm not just any girl, I'm ___(f/n) ___(l/n)!" "Now you're staring to sound like money bags." A puzzled expression took over your momentary victory, not knowing what Joey meant. "Who's that?" Joey quickly realized his mistake. "Oh, sorry. I forgot you don't know him. He's just this really annoying jerk that completely gets on my nerves! Not that you do! That line just sort of reminded me of him for a sec." Joey smirked trying to ignore the slight uncomfortableness of the current situation. "No problem I get it." You played along grinning, hiding the fact that you realized how much you didn't know about Joey anymore, and how it made you feel.

~~~~Quick Time Skip~~~~

"I should probably be heading home now." "Yeah me to." You agreed with the blond. Joey nudged you in the arm with his fist lightly, making you look up at him. "I'm really glad we hung out today. It's good to get to know my old friend again, you know?" You were momentarily caught up, staring into his deep brown eyes. They were glazed with only pure sincerity. "Yeah..." "I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay? Better promise me." "Count on it." Joey then gave you a thumbs up grinning again, you blushing deeply from this as he started walking away. You stood there for a while, overwhelmed with joy. You actually had a friend again.

Joey Wheeler x Reader - BulliesWhere stories live. Discover now