The smell of lilacs

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You feel the cool breeze in your face and smell the sweet scent of lilacs. You're walking along a path of flowers, a relief from your hard and unforgiving adventure. You've been searching for the lost treasure of Koalemos for days, climbing mountains, crossing harsh rivers, and escaping unspeakably horrid creatures...but you journey is not over yet.
As you continue to walk you look up at the clear blue sky, you're so great full for a break. You feel your eyes grow heavy, you're so relaxed. You take a deal breath out and slowly exhale while closing your eyes. Suddenly your knocked onto your back, hard.
You open your eyes and see a man running past you. "Hey!" You tell back to him, he stops in his footsteps and turns to you. "What?" He yells back, you get up onto your feet and jog towards him. "An apology would be nice..." you say dusting dirt off your shirt.
He looks at you and rolls his eyes. The man bends down and rips a bouquet of lilacs out of the ground "I am deeply sorry, my lady." He says bowing to you and handing you the flowers. You snatch the flowers from his hands and frown as he chuckles. "No really, I'm sorry for knocking you down, I didn't see ya." He says laughing. You smirk and raise the flowers to your nose. "I love the smell of lilacs..." you say calmly. "Me too." The man says smiling to himself. "So...where are you going in such a hurry?" You ask him, "I'm going on a journey to the treasure of Koalemos if you must know." He answers smugly.
You gasp "Wait, really?! I am too!" You exclaim. He raises an eyebrow "Well you're going the wrong way." He says confused. You show him your map and grimace "No I'm not! Here's proof!" You point to your location. "Where did you get that...?" He asks, "My grandfather!" You answer, offended that he would even question it. "Well it's fake. That map doesn't go anywhere." He explains. You look at it confused and realize that it isn't even the right region, you've been on a quest to nowhere. "So it is..." you say disappointed "well, you can accompany me on my journey." He says smiling at you.

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