Yoga Night

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"So- we're really going to rob a museum???" Giovanni could practically hear Fred's enthusiasm through his voice alone, even though they're face-timing either way. "Hell yeah we are!!-" Giovanni half-yells,"-We're gonna rob the HECK out of that museum!! It won't know what hit it! Well, it will -because we're going to be announcing our entrance in the coolest way possible- but still! Our street cred is going to SKYROCKET!" The two giggle chuckle menacingly, they're going to be Bonzai-Famous! (even if that's technically not a rank...)

The apartment's door to the hallway opens, Mom must be home. That's off... she usually doesn't come back home until the next morning. Well, she's usually home most of the day but yesterday was 'Yoga Night'. I mean, it's barely even a Yoga Night at all! All they do is drink wine and-- augh. Let's not talk about it anymore, right now it's time to talk to Car Crash.

"Oh man, Boss, you're a genius! I cannot wait to get!! Whatever we're stealing!!" Fred gasps, "What if we steal a sword that we can hit girls with?!?!" Fred waits in anticipation of Giovanni's response. Giovanni pauses, then says, "CAR CRASH YOU ABSOLUTE GENIUS- I am SO proud of you right now!" Fred speaks, but it's drowned out by Giovanni's mother,


Her voice is so annoying, practically a screech, even. Giovanni puts his hand to the phone microphone, "MOOOM!! I'M TALKING TO A FRIEND!" He keeps his hand on the phone, waiting for his Mom's response. "ABOUT WHAT?"

"CRIME STUFF!!" She pauses, Fred, on the other side, can hear everything going on since their voices are... extremely loud. "TALK ABOUT CRIME STUFF LATER, I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!" Giovanni scoffs, "YEAH, SURE, BUT YOU HAD TIME TO GO ON A 'YOGA NIGHT', HUH??" Giovanni's mom pauses. "DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE, YOUNG MAN!"

"LIKE YOU EVEN CAN! I'M SURPRISED YOU EVEN MADE YOUR WAY HOME TONIGHT!" He's actually kind of proud of that response. Sounds... cool!! And Smart! Snappy, even!


Ah. Her footsteps are so loud- I guess she's really sticking to her word. If she's really coming in here, can she at least be quieter? Her footsteps are giving Giovanni a headache. They're just getting louder and louder--

She opens the door to Giovanni's room. She looks a bit.. messy? There are some stains on her shirt and her hair seems ruffled up. "Uh. Are you... okay???" Usually she looks at least a bit better than this. She's breathing kind of loud- and she looks mad. Maybe this was a mistake. "OH, am I OKAY?? AM I OKAY? YOU BRAT- I LET YOU LIVE IN MY HOME RENT-FREE EVEN AFTER YOU TURN 18 AND YOU TREAT ME LIKE--"

Giovanni moves his hand off of the phone microphone "Hey-Car-I-Think-I-Have-To-Go-For-A-Bit-" Giovanni quickly hung up before Fred could respond. "I am tired of you, Giovanni. I am so, so tired of you." Giovanni steps back, "A- Are you sure you're not just tired? Maybe all you need is a Good Old Fashioned Nap!" She glares at Giovanni, "Oh, really? I couldn't tell, that definitely wasn't the reason I told you to SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH-"

He raises his hands defensively, "Look- I'm sorry! I didn't know it was this bad- Maybe we can just compromise and I'll make you a nice Egusi soup for when you wake up?" His voice cracks a bit, Mom never sounded like this before. She pauses, as if actually considering it. I mean, Giovanni cooks up a hell of a soup sometimes. "Oh, oh no, that won't due. Because of you, I've got to deal with a headache twice as long as I would have earlier- a nice little soup won't fix anything." Giovanni's eyes dart around the room, "O- Oh. Then, uh, what will..?" Ah, yup. He definitely messed up.

Giovanni Angst (Epithet Erased)Where stories live. Discover now