The Northern Parliament

Start from the beginning

Sovet: "I couldn't help but notice that Javelin mentioned another ship. Where is she?"
Montana: "The ship she was talking about is not a she by the way he is Her Majesty's Shield Conqueror."
Gangut: "The famed Conqueror? The one who went head first into a mirror sea and didn't emerge for several months?"
Javelin: "What!?"
Chapayev: "Yes I saw it myself he was nearby when it happened a fleet appeared before him he sifted into his rigging and fell into a portal."
Reaper: "He never shared this story."
Shadow: "While this all sound interesting we have Sirens coming in hot!"

The fleets looked up to see the incoming Siren aircraft they even saw the carriers that lunched them the battle continued.

Conqueror was but a few miles away seeing the massive ice burg and the fortress knowing Montana he decided to head for the fortress while taking out any other Siren still around. Unknown to Conqueror he was being observed by several Sirens watching him since he took out the fleet from before.

Observer: "He's gaining strength faster then I predicted."
Purifier: "Was it worth losing all those ships?"
Omitter: "They weren't anything much. Why are we so focused on this one again?"
Observer: "The Empress has taken an interest in him I don't proceed to know what she wants from him however."
Omitter: "Interesting I'll test him then."
Observer: "Do so make sure you keep a way to get yourself out."

Back with the main fleets they just finished taking out another group of Sirens and have approached the fortress the ice burg littered with gun implements the Eagle Union fleet had met up with everyone else. Thus the final assault on the fortress begun Omitter came out and read from a script edgy final boss lines which Gronzy didn't appreciate Omitter came out with a fleet of her own. She said more lines but no one was having it with her so the battle begun salvos being exchanged aircraft flying in the air torpedoes being lunched. An upper class Siren wielding a sword jumped off Montana using him as a spring board and tried to attack Gangut Sovet fired a salvo taking the Siren out. They kept fighting until a large glowing red dome formed over the four fleets and an additional dome formed over each ship Javelin was the only one not in a smaller dome.

Javelin: "What is this?"
Montana: "Have we been captured?"
Shadow: "I won't tolerate this!"
U-0: "Calm down you fire anything in this close a space you'll damage yourself."
Reaper: "I can't lunch any aircraft like this."
Saratoga: "How is sister Sara supposed to fight with this."
???: "You won't."

Another Siren wielding a sword appeared and phased through the big dome and stood across from Javelin she pointed her sword at Javelin.

???: "I am ah wait is that what it is *Take out a small piece of paper and reads it.* I am called Separator Bata a Siren of barriers and I challenge you destroyer to a fight!"
Javelin: "Huh?"
Separator: "Prepare for battle!"

The new Separator charged at Javelin and swung her sword it was blocked by Javelin's -- javelin then Separator got hit by Javelin's main gun then she fired torpedoes at the Siren while the others were trying to get free. Other Sirens started moving into the dome and firing at the small domes their shells and lasers going through the smaller domes.

Montana: "Really?! This isn't fair I'm not a fish in a barrel for you to fire at!"
Sovet: "We won't be able to keep this up for long."
Javelin: "Oh no."
Separator: "Got you."

Separator managed to disarm Javelin of her javelin and raised her sword high above her head to swing down on Javelin but a massive explosion turned her attention as the bigger dome shattered. Then an object stuck itself into her chest then another then she was ripped in half a gleam followed a shield as the other barriers made shattered. Conqueror stood there his arm extended out to his side a smile on his face.

The Paper Fleet (Azur Lane fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now