"Not as bad anymore. I threw up a couple days ago, but nothing since then."

"That's good to know. But keep on taking those vitamins, alright? Call me if you need a refill of your prescription. And lastly, have you felt any 'quickening' yet?"

At Billie's somewhat questioning look, Dr. Torres chuckled to herself.

"Fetal movement. Most patients begin to feel it around the sixteen week mark."

"Oh. No. Not yet."

Billie gently prodded the side of the swell of her belly. There were a couple times when she had thought she felt her baby's movement, but it always turned out to be gas bubbles or something related to bloating. She couldn't wait for the day that she finally got some response from Jellybean.

"It'll happen soon, I'm sure. Jellybean is developing properly." Dr. Torres continued as she observed the screen. "About four inches now and growing with each day. Your due date seems to be just about accurate at this point. So yes, expect a late May, early June birth."

Right before your daddy's birthday. You and him might be twins.

Billie smiled, feeling happiness bubble up in her chest. She was almost there. Almost at the point of officially seeing her little Jellybean. "That's good to know."

"Mmhmm. So, Jellybean's leg aren't crossed" Dr. Torres turned to her. "Do you want to know if you're having a boy or girl?"

"Wait, I can learn the gender right now?" Billie asked, biting her lip to keep her wide, excited smile at bay.

"It's totally up to you. You can wait for a little later if you want or you can decide on a surprise birth."

"I want to know."

"I thought so" Dr. Torres laughed, sliding the transducer once again across her abdomen. The image shifted quite a bit to the point where the baby looked like kind of a boomerang shape. "You see that space right there? That's where the crotch will develop."

Billie nodded, holding her breath in anticipation.

"Well... You've got three lines, two for the labia and one for the vagina. There's no 'turtle'. Jellybean's a girl."

Billie let out a small squeal in excitement, trying to force the yay in the back of her throat down. She covered her mouth to keep the squeals at bay, but she couldn't help the wide smile that seemed to take over her face. She and Drew had discussed the possible gender at length on multiple sleepless nights and ultimately decided that it would be more fun with a girl because they could dress her up in all kinds of clothes. And her and Brandon both loved making clothes so she couldn't wait to make her and Bean matching tracksuits. (And though she knew Brandon would be an absolutely great father to either a boy or girl, she couldn't help but hope for a girl because she got excited at the prospect of him treating Jellybean like a princess.)

"I am 95% sure she's a girl, but I'll continue to check to make sure at your next appointments. How does it feel knowing your baby's gender?"

Billie laughed, giddy. "Unreal."

"I bet. You want a photo of the gender for proof?"

Billie nodded, and Dr. Torres set the ultrasound image to print, before she saved and closed out the file and set the transducer on the tray. She carefully wiped Billie's belly with a towel to remove the gunk and then stood up to finish with the rest of the post appointment tasks. Billie pulled her shirt back down and then rose off of the table, removing the sheet across her legs to slide her bottoms back up.

Dr. Torres went to the sink after removing the rubber gloves to wash her hands, politely giving Billie privacy to pull up her sweatpants.

"We're going to set the date for your next ultrasound in about four weeks or so. Does late January sound good to you?"

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora