The Question

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( A week after the coronation)

Hermione's POV

I was sitting in front of my vanity doing my hair and makeup I was going out with Ginny and Luna for a girls lunch. Ever since I became Queen the press follows me everywhere and I don't won't to be caught looking bad in a photo. I went downstairs to eat breakfast with Blaise, Draco and Theo. The two boy basically live in the castle with us. Well Blaise does I don't think he ever leaves. I always treat him like a baby and the other tell me I shouldn't I'm only feeding his whiny little monster apparently. Literally, last night he came knocking on our bedroom door saying he could sleep at 3am. I ended up getting out of bed to make him warm milk and then read him a bedtime story. Theo just laugh all morning when Draco told him about it. I walk into the kitchen and greet them. "Good morning" "Morning" They say back. "Mione can you make my lunch again for work? Pleeeeaaaasssee!" Begged Blaise. I also have a habit of packing him lunch. Whoops. " Sure Blaise, Now go get dress or you'll be late." I tell him. He then runs upstairs. "Don't run up the stairs! your going to fall again!" I yell. The boys just laugh at me. "What's so funny?" I ask looking at them. " How you baby Blaise he's a grown man." said Theo. "I know but I don't know how to not baby him." Blaise then comes back down dress in a green button up and black pants, holding his black tie in his hand. "Will you help me?" He pout at me. "Come here." He walks of to me and I help him tie his tie. Just then one of the castle guards comes in and says Ginny is here looking to talk to Draco.

Draco's POV

I owled Ginny last night asking her to come over early because I needed to talk to her. I walk her in to my office. "Why did you need to talk to me?" She asked. " I am going to propose to Hermione but I need help making it perfect and I thought since your her best friend you could help me with that." I tell her. And instantly the biggest smile spread's across her face and she squeals "OMG I HAVE WAITED MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS!!! I WOULD LOVE TO HELP!!!" she yells. I was so glad I put a silence charm on the room other wise I think the dead would be able to hear her. "Great so you'll help me plan it?" She eagerly nods. We spend about 30 minute planning and then we have the perfect plan and I all I need to do is set it up.

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