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I somehow got lost again, these lights were blinding me happily.

Floating away from planet to planet, I had seemed to be losing my mind; loosening my mind?

Fading in and out of reality now, I've forgotten what you have been telling me. Forgive me darling, it's just that I cannot sit still, I cannot get a grip of consciousness.

There goes another one, oh those lights so clear. Shooting stars are really a lucky thing to see; it makes me wonder who was looking at this same star?

My thoughts have sunken, and there I am again, lost, plummeting rapidly. You look so handsome when you speak, I wish I could focus on what those lips were saying to me.

Trying to stay focused this time on what stories your mind wants to share with me. Those lips look delicious; I wonder if you'd mind me taking a bite of that bottom lip. Shoot, I have done it again.

Maybe instead of focusing on your words I could hush you up with my thoughts instead. Wait, what were my thoughts anyways?

Perhaps I'll show you my thoughts as I proceed to get you drunk off the night sky. I'd rather get drunk off of you, everything that you stand for as a person, and your soul, so warm and illuminating.

So maybe I'll sit here in silence instead and try to pretend I'm focused on your thoughts, when in reality I just wish I could figure you out. Such a mystery you are, one second you're here, and the next you're gone; like my beloved shooting star.

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