'Twas not easy, for there were indeed moments when all she could think of was him and all she felt was the lonely emptiness of being parted from the one she held dearest. But the words of her mother had long echoed in her mind, and now did they return.

Love is sacrifice, and may yet be painful, but endure the pain, and it will prove itself to be worth it.

She had a hope that he would return to her and had faith in the guiding hands of the Maker. Love, faith, and hope: they would indeed sustain her, even if all came to ruin and ashes, and material things blown away by the storm of war. 'Tis the intangible things that one can forever cling to, despite how bleak things may seem to our eyes.


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And more waiting.

Such waiting has become a recurring theme in my life, and I despise it. Everything, in the end, comes to waiting for something to come, something to happen. And though I have not yet allowed myself to be controlled by it, it is nearly torturous because of the sheer unsurety we face.

Not a single piece of news has met my ears since I came to know that both Minas Tirith and Mirkwood sustained assaults from the Enemy and were able to repel them, though Minas Tirith faced great losses. I imagine that Sauron will have already devised another strategy, another strike upon the peoples of Middle-earth, and it cannot be told whether or not we now can sustain it.

I only wish to know, to know the fate of this world, to know what shall become of us in the days to come, if we shall face destruction or if the evil shall be eradicated. There will always be evil as long as there is good, for though darkness always longs to stamp out the light, it cowers at it, for it does not understand it. But if Sauron is defeated, a great evil will have been wiped off the face of the earth.

It always has baffled me how Men come to be in the service of the Dark Lord. They believe they do good, and yet do they not see the darkness and malice in the intentions of their master? There is naught good in him, all he does is to gain power, for power is all he truly longs for. Perhaps they too are altogether evil, having driven out a desire to do good to give place to a want for power. The things power drive one to do are numerous in number, and all entirely undesirable.

I do not pretend to understand the ways and hearts of Men. Only One can.

'Tis a saddening thing, these men who have been ensnared by the Enemy and now serve him without second thought.

Each day is painful and full of torture. The world still lies on the brink of destruction, and our fate has not yet been sealed. And my heart's fate - that seems to have been sealed for a time now, though I have tried to elude it.

All those childish dreams of mine did indeed come true, but the manner in which they came about was unexpected and more trying than they were thought out to be. They came true, yes, as I had only dreamed that they would, and instead of the great joy I anticipated, I faced pain and loss. Seeing Legolas leave was akin to letting go of the hold I had on each of my fantasies and being forced to surrender my future into His hands. And while he knew I loved him, I am left here unsure, only adding to the horrible uncertainty and terrible anticipation these days bring.

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