Chapter 31

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**Adam's POV**

Waking up, Morgan was still fast asleep on your chest, smiling to yourself reminding yourself how precious moments like this were.  Softly running your fingers up and down Morgan's back, watching as she starts to wake up.  "Good Morning Babygirl."  She kisses your chest softly, smiling into your chest as she groggily says Good Morning back to you.  Kissing her softly on her forehead, before pulling up her chin to kiss her softly.  You both climb out of bed, she goes to get something to wear as you go to the bathroom.  Getting yourself presentable just as Morgan comes in with clothes to change into.  Kissing her softly again as you leave the bathroom.  Happy she seems to have no idea what is happening, going out and waking up your other sleepy girl Cynthia.  Changing her out of her sleeper onesie and diaper into a new diaper and dress.  Showering her all over with kisses just as Morgan comes out, smiling at both of you. She comes over to you and hugs you and rests her head on your chest.  She says how special she feels today is already with it being her last day in the UK.  Leaning down to kiss her before you guys head out to get some breakfast.  When you enter the dining room you laugh to yourself at how few people are here.  Knowing everyone is taking full advantage of being able to sleep in as much as possible.  You have Morgan sit as you go get breakfast for you guys, loading up the plates as much as you can handle before coming back.  Smiling as you notice Morgan had already poured your coffee for you as you sit down.  Just as you are about to offer to hold Cynthia while Morgan eats, Daisy comes over taking Cynthia.  "Good Morning everyone.  There's my niece!" As she starts to coo and play with Cynthia, as she eats herself.  Smirking as this is a good time to start the fun, "Hey babe, I was thinking of having you test out one of your new dresses tonight.  I wanted to take you out to dinner tonight."  You see her stop eating with the biggest grin on her face, saying she would love to, which is when Daisy helps you out.  "Since it's your Birthday Dinner where in the UK, let me get the Glam Squad to help you out Bella!"  She smiles at you both.  Which is when Morgan hugs Daisy, carefully as to not crush Cynthia which is when Daisy winks at you.   With Morgan getting ready it'll give you enough time to make sure everything in the ballroom is in good shape.   Daisy takes the time to text the people who I would assume would help both Morgan and herself get ready for tonight.  Letting you both know that they can come for around 4pm, as you all agree that should be a good time.  

After breakfast you take a long walk with Morgan and Cynthia around the property, enjoying the family quiet time together.  Wondering what Eunice will be having Morgan work on for her work outs.  "Well the long walk will feel like a cake walk depending on what kind of training Eunice decides to have you do I'm sorry to say."  She nods, saying that was one thing she is worried about but will give everything she has to give.  That she doesn't want to let you or anyone in the cast down. Stopping to kiss her, "Babygirl I know you will do everything you can, you always do."  She smiles up at you as you continue walking, until you get back to the hotel.  When you get back inside you see it's around 3pm which is perfect.  You can have Cynthia take a nap while you start to get ready for tonight.   Morgan heads in to wash up quickly before the glam squad arrives, you also wash up quick.  While she is drying her hair you pull out you vintage tux and dress shoes.   Checking your phone, seeing a text from John saying the DJ will start setting up at 7PM and that he is so ready to party.  Trying not to laugh,  as you hear a knock on the door, closing the bedroom door as you say, "I got the door babe and I'm closing the door just in case."   Walking back out you go and grab the door to see Daisy and the 'glam squad'.  "Hey guys good to see you all", you smile as you hold open the door as they get to work setting themselves up as they say hello with smiles.   "Hey I just wanted to let you know the food will be arriving to start setting up at 6pm.  There will be enough to feed an army of big eaters like yourself don't worry."  She teases you, as you pull her in for a hug. "Thank you for everything Dais, your help with everything means the world to me and my family."  She laughs, "Hey mushy is supposed to be my thing. Now go ahead and get yourself ready, when I text you, that will mean she's ready."  Laughing as you walk back to the bedroom, seeing Morgan poke her head out of the bathroom.  Walking over to her and kissing her passionately as she instantly wraps her arms around you.  Pulling away you look down at her as her eyes twinkle, "You look beautiful already, but the glam squad is outside getting ready for you, Daisy is also here.  She's kicking me out so I have to get dressed and head out, when I come back I will do my best not to mess up your pretty makeup and hair."  You both laugh before you lean down to kiss her again nibbling on her lip as she moans softly.  Pulling away from her, you go into the closet and get yourself ready in your tux, as you finish your bowtie, you tie your dress shoes.  Checking yourself in the mirror, making sure the bowtie is straight.  As your about to head out of the room, you see Morgan in her leggings and tank top watching you, smiling at you.   Walking over to her grabbing her by the small of her back and one hand around her hair as you kiss her passionately. She wraps her arms around your neck as you dip her.  Pulling away from the kiss, you whisper in her ear, "Oh the things I plan to do to you when we get home." As you pull away from her as she stands there panting, seeing that look her eyes that drives you crazy.  Taking a deep breathe as you walk out of the room, with Morgan right behind you.  Laughing as Daisy shoos you out of the room.

CurveballOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora