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Nothing was going to ever remain the same. There was going to be social and physical distancing because of COVID 19. The exams were brought forward and Stanley and his mates were always hurdled together in a classroom or in a reading room reading night after night not aware of how intense the pandemic was. This masters program was the best thing that happened to Stanley. He had been promised by his uncle that he would get a great job and be out of the poverty cycle for good after he finished his exams. He didn't even have to wait till graduation.
'I am so glad I submitted my assignment' Micah said.
'What assignment again!?!' Stanley said with a hint of irritation in his voice.
'The one that Monika gave us... that b***' Jackson said as he lit a cigarette.
'She is called Mope and she is not a b***' Stanley defended her.
'Why don't you talk to her and see how she will react like someone that sucked unripe lemon. I am even older than her. She has no respect at all.' Jackson said.
'I know we are all definitely older than she is. She went to a private university graduated before she was 21 and has her PhD at 25 so she has accelerated progress in life and now she is lecturing us and treating us like kids which I hate.' Jackson said
'I learnt her parents are both professors and that's why she is so particularly favored.' Stanley said.
'Anyways I have submitted by assignment. I don't want any small girl insulting me.' Micah said.
'Guys we read together, live together and eat together how come none of you told me about this assignment?' Stanley said.
'Guy it was sent to the class Watsapp group two nights ago. Everyone saw it. Will we be spoon feeding you on that again?' Micah said.
'I had no data... remember?' Stanley said.
'Neither did I but I always ask Shipe for updates. You know ladies now. They are always ahead in these things.' Micah said.
'What can I do now?' Stanley said.
'Go to her office and beg her. Don't try romance o. I heard she flips to the other side.' Micah warned.
'I will go first thing in the morning. I assumed that since today is the last exam paper we won't be needing her posts.' Stanley said
'She is 'kolo'. She likes to torment students o. Small girl with big job why won't she treat us like dumb asses. She has a PhD, we have masters.' Jackson said scathingly.
'Why do you hate her?' Stanley defended
' If she ever handles you, you will understand why I hate her. She has humiliated me before when I told her I likes the way her curves rotated when she wore that clingy black silk dress.' Jackson said.
All the men laughed heartily.
'She looked at me from head to toe and walked off not saying a word and when we got to class she asked me that question that made me look like an idiot.'
The others continued to laugh all the more.
' I am hearing rumors that school will be closed down for a long time because of the coronavirus. We need to take these thing seriously. It's coming closer home. It's no longer overseas.' Stanley warned.
'We hear you.'
'We would have been long gone from the school with our lucrative office jobs'. Micah said

Strings of love Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon