chapter one

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(Roses pov)

I woke up to my Alarm going off. After i had a shower i put my Summer Bay high school uniform on and brushed my hair. Unlike all the other girls at school i dont care what other people think of me and i dont try to impress people. Unlike my brothers i have to go to school because my OVER PROTECTIVE BROTHERS say that i need to get a good education and a good job that has good money even though i dont need money because when mum and dad sadly passed away all five of us kids all got 15,000 dollars each. I was about to walk out the door when my brother were sitting at the table looking pissed then they asked me to sit they all said that if i didnt want to go to school anymore i did not have to. So i ran to my room and got changed then went back down stairs and they were still sitting at the table in the same spots. I asked them if they had something else to say and again they made me sit. We talked about life and then Brax drops a bomb shell he says that him and Ricky are taking Alex and Ruby on a holiday and that they will not be back for two years. By the way Alex and Ruby are Brax and His wife Ricky's kids. Alex 16 and Ruby 15. Ruby and my birthdays were a day apart.

Well Brax thats gonna be hard and when are you guys leaving he replyed with were leaving to night. I started Crying and he promised me that he would be back in two years and i told him not to make promises that he can not keep.
5 hours later

Brax was leaving now with Ruby, Alex and Ricky i said my goodbyes before so im up in Brax and Ricky's room in their bed watching a movie and crying until i feel asleep.

(Heaths pov)

After Brax and his family left i heard sound coming from their room and Kyle and Casey said that they probley left their tv on or something. But i knew that it was Rose up there. She doesnt cope proply when one of us leave she thinks that were never gonna return. But its the same with us boys when she leaves were the same as her. I made my way up to Brax and Ricky's room and looked in and saw Rose in their bed asleep she had looked through all the photo albums that they had and feel asleep. Its gonna be a long two years. My phone started to ring and it gave me a fright i quickly answered it and it was Brax he knew that Rose wouldn't cope so he was gonna check up on her

B= brax and H= heath
H. Hey Brax how is it going so far not missing us to much or not worrying about Rose to much.
B. Nah its going good and im not missing you guys and yeah im worried about Rose and so is Ricky is she alright.
H. Yeah she is fine she went to your guys room and looked at the photo albums and feel asleep in your bed. Its pretty cute i got a photo i will send it to you. But i have to go now talk to you later bye Brax.
B. Bye Heath.

I sent the photo to Brax with the caption saying i didnt know that us Braxton's were this cute. I decided to go for a walk on the beach so i packed my bag and left.

(Roses pov)

I woke up in my Brothers room in his bed. I looked over at my phone and had a missed call from Brax i thought to myself i will call him later. I got up and went in to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and an apple and i sat at the table and seen a note from Brax and Ricky and it said that if i need anything or anyone to talk to to call them and if i need money for food Brax has left 10,000 under his bed so i went up to his room to get some money to go get some more food because in a house with boys food dont last that long.
6 months later.

(Caseys pov)

I really miss Brax, Ricky and the kids and its only been six months Rose and i have been the only ones in the house lately because Kyle is in the city with his girlfriend Phoebe and Heath has moved to the city with his wife Bianca and Daughter Darcy. I got a call from Brax telling me that Ricky was having another baby and that they were coming home today and they wanted me to keep it a secret from Rose. When the phone call ended i went to find Rose but i couldnt find her and then i looked in Brax and Ricky's room and she was on the end of their bed crying.
R= Rose & C= Casey
C. Hey Rose what is wrong?
R. Josh (roses boyfriend) he just broke up with me.
C. Oh Rose it is all gonna be fine.
R. No Casey everything is not gonna be ok. Kyle and Heath have moved out and Brax Ricky and the kids are on the other side of the country. Casey it is just me and you now. Our family is falling apart and we cant put it back together. And after Josh broke up with me this morning i took a pregnancy test and it came back Positive. Casey im having a baby and he wont grow up with a father and i know how that feels. Casey it doesnt feel nice to grow up with out your father their.

(Brax's pov)

We get home and i hear Casey and Rose arguing and i was going to go get some stuff out of the car but then i heard Rose say that she was Pregnant then i ran up stairs to my room barged in and Hugged Rose.
R= Rose & B= Brax
R. Brax what are you doing back so early??
B. Ricky has a doctor appointment this afternoon to see how the baby was doing. And we missed you all so much.
R. Ricky is having a baby how come i did not know about this.
B. Well how come i did not know about my baby sister being pregnant. Rose who is the father and is he going to support you through the pregnancy.
R. Well Brax im so sorry i did not tell you about the baby because i only found out about it yesterday. And the Father is Josh Barrett. And he broke up with me yesterday. I was on my way to the hospital for my appointment and he broke up with on my way there so when i got home i texted him and said Josh i know that u probley do not want to talk to me but i have to tell you that i am pregnant with your baby and he replyed with Rose it is not my baby because we used protection everytime and just because you thinkvits my baby foes not meanbthat it is so i am not going to support a child who probley is not mine.
and i didnt reply and thats how this argue meny happend between Casey and i.
B. Oh Rose i am so sorry i didnt know about anything. I am going to have a talk with that boy because he does not just get a girl pregnant then ditch her. I am going to see him tonight.
R. Brax just because you are tge leader of the river boys does not mean you can tell ever boy in the whole town what to do. So Brax just leave it i hate it when you boys but in to my bisness and make things twice as bad. I wish Mum and Dad were here so i could live with them.

Rose runs out of Brax and Rickys room into her room lockes the door and sits down on the floor.

(Roses pov)

Brax and I juat had a fulling out and i ran away. At the moment i am sitting on the floor in my room. I was thinking how i could get through this and then well trying to fight the tears i managed to pull myself up off the grpund and grab all my suitcases.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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