CHAPTER 3: A Chance to Justify.

Start from the beginning

Me: shut the F up!!! (then i pushed him away).                                                           
Hermes: HAHA! i'm just kidding its just that i wanna have dinner with you here.           
Me: Fu*k the sweet talks your just asking me to cook for you hmmm?               
Hermes: well that's what wives do right? 
Me: HEYY!!! MR.EDWARDSON! let me inform you that we are not together yet and you are still courting me.                               
Hermes: Not now but that won't take just consider this an OJT on becoming my wife.     
Me: FINE!!! just wait for a while ok!!!                                                                                                       
So while i was cooking Adobo he backed hugged me and whispered "YOUR SO SWEET IT MAKES ME WANNA TASTE YOU"  i told him to stop sweet talking coz i might make him my husband immediately anyways dinner was ready, he helped me prepare the plates and other eating utensils. While we were eating i was starring at him imagining how my life would be with a husband and living together in one house a moment later he suddenly asked me if i could have a sleep over and we could just go to school together tomorrow i smiled and agreed. While i was in the room and he's taking a shower i checked his cabinet for clothes that i could wear then i accidentally saw a black pouch and saw condoms with different flavors, of course i was blown away of what i saw so i immediately put it back on where it was placed then Hermes went outside the bathroom and told me what's the problem but i told him it was nothing but he insisted and told it's obvious that there is a problem 'coz he could see it in my face so i tried to make faces so that i would look serious. After i took a shower i went to the bed and he turned off the lamp and played some aesthetic songs the vibe was so cool. Then a moment later Hermes came near me and hugged me so tight while telling me how much he loves me, we are staring at each others eyes while he slowly came closer then suddenly kiss me and i was like "OMG THAT WAS MY FIRST KISS!!!"  then i pushed him away and told him that we should just go to sleep then he made this sulky attitude and told me i act as if i don't appreciate what he's doing so i hugged him so tight kiss him in the cheeks and we slept while hugging each other.

It was a bright morning we were already at the schools parking lot some students are staring at us again as we walk but i could see Hermes serious as if he doesn't care about what society thinks we already reached the classroom and went to my seat Jai and Lei asked me about what's going with me and Hermes and of course i told them everything they were also shocked on the hot news.

Jai: B****C!!! I can't believe this is happening so i'm looking forward for his friends now!!!                                           
Lei: GIRL!!! try transitioning ok!
Like evolve, change yourself!!!
Lei: Arghh dumbass try taking hormonal shits!!! Like Lia.
Jai: well you know i'm happy being like this and its already fine for me being like this.

While we were heading down for recess we met athena on the way i could see how pissed the is seeing me and Hermes together.

Athena: Hermes what's this? I thought you told me HE'S!! Nothing?
Hermes: that was the biggest mistake i said now leave us alone!
Athena: If you think you already won think twice Lia!!! What's first will always be first!
Me: But what is spoiled must be thrown away. EXCUSE ME!

Then we ignored her and went straight to the canteen. As we sit Hermes and our other friends left to buy some foods for us while yuki and i were left to table to wait for them.

Yuki: Do i still have a chance?
Me: me and Hermes are good, i think its better for us to stay this way.
Yuki: can't you love me again?
Me: i can but i would rather not to. I'm really sorry but it's not gonna work.

When they arrived they saw Yuki with a sad face but he denied it he just said that he was hungry but for me who knew the reason i was also sad for him but i know sometimes rejection is the the best way to save someone from pain. Peter and Lester came near us to excuse Hermes they told us they have to talk.

Peter: Eyyy bro!!! So what's with you and Lia hmm?
Hermes: I'm into her now and i'm serious about it.
Lester: what about what would other people think?
Hermes: Let them judge i don't care we could love someone regardless of imperfections.
Peter: well bro you have our full support just don't f**k this up this time don't waste any chances HAHA!!!

It was already our dismissal and i was looking for Hermes i went to the library to check then i saw him with Athena they were having a conversation and i could see him holding her hands so i just went back to our classroom and called him and pretended i didn't know where he is i told him my mom called and i gotta go home immediately but he told me to wait for a while because he's already on the way down and he's gonna give me a ride home. While we were inside the car i Asked him why is he with Athena in the library.

Me: what were you doing with Athena? Inside the library?
Hermes: I just talked some sense with her thats all.

I gave this sulky face while looking at him and pretended everything's ok but i also have to practice trusting Hermes. We are already about to enter the house when he wrapped his arms around my waist and told me "That was nothing baby trust me"
Then he pinched my cheeks and told me to stop being so sulky the way he looks at me is really so lovely it makes me fall in love more and more. I was preparing food in the kitchen then without me knowing he kissed me on the cheeks and told me that he said to Athena that it's better to seperate ways but Athena didn't agree and told him that he will get Him back no matter what then i told Hermes that even though i could fight for him if he doesn't like me anymore then it would just be useless.

The next day while me and my friends are on our way to the canteen we met Athena and she confronted me.

Athena: You think you've won already? Why won't you check yourself and think why do Hermes likes you hmm?
Me: Your perspectives about love is shit, loving someone means accepting his/her flaws loving is not about gender its about how you feel.
Althea: Well think how would Hermes introduce you to his parents or to other people huh? Think about it what would they say about Hermes dating a transwoman.
Me: but what about you? With that kind of attitude? Well i think it would just be even embarrasing to introduce you so its a tie.
Althea: You think this would be the last time that i would bother you? I'll make you suffer more and i'm going to get what's mine!

After that she went away and i was really hurt and actually thinking if Hermes could face the judgements of the society well for me i'm used to it but i don't know about him if he could endure those words. I was already about to go home with Mimi and informed Hermes that mom is gonna pick us up and it's been hours but he's still not replying to my message then i saw Peter and asked him where is Hermes then he told me Hermes was with Athena but he doesn't know where they're going so i decided to look for them at the university but suddenly mom arrived so we just went home. And now its already 8am and we're already having dinner then our doorbell rang and our maid told us that it was a guy looking for me i ask her who is it but she just describe to me that it was a tall guy and handsome so i went outside and it was Hermes.

Me: Do you need something? If you don't need anything you could leave now.
Hermes: hey are we good? Or it's your menstruation day?
Me: where have you been? You were with Athena right?
Hermes: yah but its just that no one's gonna pick her up that's why she told me if i could ride her home.
Me: well i believe she's not stupid enough to the point she can't go home by herself right?
Hermes: wait are you jealous?
Me: do you know what we talked about a while ago at tbe university? She told me she will try to bring you back.
Hermes: she could try but the decision is still mine.
Me: We take risks even though we aren't sure of what will happen, you know why? It's because we love the person to the point we take risks of our feelings.

Then he hugged me so tight and my tears fall while saying.

"If you would thought of choosing her please tell me, so i could set my feelings free don't stay because you feel pitty for me or don't love me on sunrise and love another at sunset 'coz it could be more painful than thorns."

Then he kissed me at my lips and after that he said.

"don't worry i'll give justice for every chances 'coz i know it is not always given".

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