"He hunted us like animals." Whispers Tormund.

Ser Jorah's face is dark. "You returned the favour, as I recall."

The man with the eyepatch laughs. "Here we all are at the edge of the world at the same moment heading in the same direction for the same reason."

"Our reasons aren't your reasons..." I say.

"It doesn't matter what we think our reasons are." Says the man he stands and walks toward the bars. "There's a greater purpose at work and we serve it together whether we know it or not. We may take the steps but the Lord of Light..."

The Hound stands. "For fuck's sake, will you shut your hole. Are we coming with you or not?"

"Don't you want to know what we're doing?" Daenerys says.

Thoros starts to stand. "Is it worse than sitting in a freezing cell waiting to die?"

"No. We can't trust them. Especially not the Hound. He's a murderer. He's dishonourable and cruel." I say, glaring at Sandor Clegane. "We should leave him here to rot."

Jon places a hand on my shoulder. "No Nyla, he's right. We're all on the same side."

I turn toward him. "How can we be?"

"We're all breathing." Tormund hands Jon the keys and he opens the door to let them out.

We stay the night at Eastwatch, and the men prepare for the trek northward. By morning, they're equipped with good, warm clothes and lots of dragon glass.

Daenerys and I bundle up too, in clothes given to us by the Wildlings. We're outside the walls of Eastwatch preparing the Dragons. I smile at Daenerys, she's wearing the Wilding outfit of grey and white furs. I've never seen her look so... wild. She doesnt look like a queen really. Just my Daenerys.

She pats Drogon on the nose. She looks my way and chuckles. "What are you looking at?"

I step closer to her. "Who is this wildling woman?" I look around in fein confusion. "Where is my queen?" I lean in closer to her as her smile grows. "I didn't know wildlings were so beautiful... Old Nan said they drank blood and looked terrifying. They would come steal me away and make me their Wildling bride if I misbehaved."

She smiles, looking up at me. "Well..." she whispers. "I am wild..." she kisses me, biting on my lower lip gently. "And I will make you my bride..." she chuckles. "Come on Nyla, Jon and the others have probably left the Wall by now..."

I nod. "As you wish." I back away from her and start to get onto Rhaegal's back. She climbs onto Drogon and we take to the skies. Visarion flys on the other side of Drogon.

We fly above the Wall to its northern side and I spot a few specks on the ground below us. It must be Jon and the rest of the men.

We follow high above them as they journey northward. I hope they find one of those dead men we so desperate need.

Daenerys and I fly the Dragons hundreds of feet above them, as to not scare away any of the Wight Walkers or their soldiers.

Thoros and Berric said that they would wave their flaming swords if they needed us. My eyes strain to see where they were, and I panicked every time I lost sight of them.

My fear increases when the fog and snow start to pick up, and soon it's hard enough to see things infront of my face, let alone anyone hundreds of feet below me.

Despite the fur covering me, I feel frozen. The air up here is thin and icy cold.

About an hour or so later, the fog and snows slow, and after looking for quite some time, I can make out the shapes of a small group in the snow.

I give Daenerys a thumbs up and she nods.

I hope she isnt too cold.

Eventually, I spot a small orange speck waving up at us, it must be one of the flaming swords. Daenerys must have spotted it as well, Drogon and Visarion start to make a slow downward spiral towards the flame.

As we get closer to the ground, I see that the men are running. I look beside them to see what looks like an avalanche following them.

Looking closer, I can see that it is thousands and thousands of soldiers. They bring with them winter, and the sound is thunderous.

The men run toward a frozen lake, and Daenerys and fly low over them. The deadmen are catching up.

I fly in their direction. I have to protect them.


Rhaegal releases a huge stream of fire at the dead soldiers. They let out a screech so loud and terrible that I have to cover my ears.

I steer Rhaegal back towards Jon and the others, who've run to a small outcropping of land in the center of the icy lake.

Daenerys lands Drogon on the rock and I see the men start to climb onto his back.

The dead still pursue the men, so I direct Rhaegal to burn the ice surrounding the piece of land, the wights burn and fall into the icy water below. Hopefully, that slows them down enough to give the group a chance to get on Drogon and escape.

I look down and see Jon fighting off the dead men, it looks like everyone else is safely on Drogons back.

Visarion and Rhaegal burn the wights and protect Drogon.

I look again and Jon still isn't on Drogon's back with Daenerys and the others. He pushes forward against the army, toward some Wight Walkers sitting on horses on a cliff nearby. They must be the Night King and his generals.

"Go!" I hear Jon scream at Daenerys. "Goooo!" He pushes on toward the Night King.

"What is that idiot doing?" I mutter.

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