She picked the basket up and entered her home through the back door, walking into the kitchen. The chefs and workers moved quickly about the crowded area, working on dinner. Arabella set the basket down on the table, unpacking the fresh vegetables to be prepared and eaten.

Gus came in from the back door, "Good afternoon Ella."

Arabella nodded at the man she saw as her brother, "How are you, Gus?"

"I am well," Gus looked at the vegetables that laid on the table, "It was a good picking today I presume?"

"The spring season always has the best pickings." Arabella smiled and gestured to them, "You may have a few if you like."

"I appreciate the offer but Cora will not take lightly to that,"

Arabella picked on of the vegetables up off the table, handing it to Gus with a wink, "I won't tell if you don't."

Gus beamed at the girl and picked the food. He patted her on the head before exiting the kitchen. Arabella felt a light tap on her shoulder, turning around to find Abel, one of the women who worked for her stepmother behind her, "Good afternoon Miss. Arabella."

Arabella placed her hand on Abel's shoulder, "I have told you before Abel, you mustn't call me Arabella. My friends call me Ella."

"You my dear are too kind," Abel patted her on the cheek before picking up the vegetables, "Would you like to help us prepare the food?"

"I have to make a run to town to collect fabrics for a dress Cora wants to be made. I can help prepare supper later this evening."

"You will work yourself to death dear."

"Is Cora around?"

Abel shook her head, "She and a few other ladies are taking part in some new leisure activities. I hear they're from Europe." Abel's eyes twinkled at the thought of European activity, something about the thought was so elegant.

Arabella only smiled as she walked out of the home. She pulled her apron off and set it on the porch. Grabbing her basket, she walked down the steps of the home, onto the path that led to town. Arabella didn't spend too much time in the town, she didn't know many people but most of them knew of her father. The walk took a decent amount of time seeing as Arabella's estate was located on the very outskirts of Mystic Falls but Arabella did not mind.

She gave small nods to the people she walked by, making sure she was on the side of the path to avoid carriages. Every time a horse-drawn carriage went by her, her eyes twinkled with amazement, something was just so majestic about the animal. Arabella soon found herself in town, walking towards Cora's favorite fabric shop.

The owner grinned at the sight of Arabella coming into the shop, "Miss. Arabella! What can I do for you today?"

"Good afternoon Mr. Harris. Cora has sent me into town to collect the order of her favorite fabrics."

The older man nodded as he remembered, "Oh yes," He walked into the back of the shop, returning with a handful of fabrics, "Have a good day Miss. Arabella!"

"You as well." The man held the door open for Arabella who practically stumbled out of the shop, struggling to hold all of the fabrics.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄, stefan salvatore Where stories live. Discover now