Momo awkwardly glanced off to the side and laughed. "This is so embarrassing! I thought Kacchan would be the one to come untie me!"

Tsukishima's fingers paused for a moment as his eyes slid over to her pink face. Reading his questioning gaze as a silent question, she continued.

"Kacchan usually comes to untie me when Akkey does this. He rarely does it though." Momo giggled, unaware of Tsukishima's subtle annoyance.

"You're hopeless, shorty." Tsukishima murmured, unwrapping the blanket Ren around Momo's small body. When she was free, she rolled over into Tsukishima's lap and exhaled softly. "What're you doing, weirdo?"

"Did you miss me, Tsukki-senpai?" Momo questioned as a small giggle escaped her lips. Tsukishima shifted a bit, knitting his eyebrows together with uncertainty as of what she meant.

Assuming she was referring to her lack of presence around him for the last three days, he gave her a brief of the head. "Not really. It was pretty much the same as always."

"Well, I missed you." She mumbled softly, buzzing her head into his leg. Her eyes fluttered closed as she inhaled his familiar scent. Blessed with a keen sense of smell, Momo always loved how Tsukishima smelled. It always relaxed her senses.

Tsukishima remained still, leaning against the headboard for support as Momo laid in his lap quietly. The tone in her voice was different from usual, making him go silent since his response earlier was quite careless.

Despite having a lot of fun these past few days with the other first years, she truly missed Tsukishima and their small talks. Even though it wasn't much, and he probably didn't think anything of them, she cherished them wholeheartedly.

After about a minute of silence, Tsukishima leaned forward and glanced at her face. Her eyes remained closed, and she was breathing slowly, fast asleep in his lap.

A quiet sigh escaped his lips as he leaned onto the headboard. His hand subconsciously drifted to her hair, gingerly playing with a strand of her chocolate brown locks. A brief scent of peaches filled his nose, reminding him of Momo's scent that had disappeared in the last few days.

As much as he didn't want to admit, he felt a bit lonely without Momo around. Her constant chatter had become a norm for him, and he felt like things were off without her around. Not that he'd ever say that aloud.


"They haven't come back yet? Do you think they are okay?" Yamaguchi asked as he peered in the direction Tsukishima left. Akiyama snickered, plopping into the spot where Tsukishima and Momo was sat before.

"Don't worry. Neither of them are coming back." The way Akiyama said it made Yamaguchi sweat nervously. It sounded like he killed both of them or something.

Seno was kind enough to explain what Akiyama was insinuating. "Momo always falls asleep whenever she gets swaddled like that."

A small smile of amusement spread across Yamaguchi's lip. "She's like a baby, huh?"

The first years all nodded, knowing Momo was exactly like a baby.

"Tsukishima-senpai went all out during practice today, so he's probably tired too." Nao pointed out, making Yamaguchi nod at the fact. He did notice Tsukishima was a bit more tired than usual after practice today.

"They're probably fast asleep up there." Seno mumbled, quite jealous since he was previously supposed to hang out with his girlfriend today.

Nao smirked, "Or better yet, they're fucki-"


"Ichirō! That was prick!" Nao complained, rubbing his head that was stinging from that slap.

"Quiet." The deep voice filled Nao's ears and instantly shut him up. Ichirō was a scary guy.

"Okay." Nao put his head down, obeying the orders of the male who sat beside him.

Later, a portion of the group tip-toed upstairs and peeked into the room that Momo and Tsukishima were in.

They were too busy whispering to each other to notice that Ichirō, Yamaguchi and Ennoshita were coming to scold them.

After snapping a few pictures for blackmail purposes, they were whisked out of the room by Ennoshita. Yamaguchi draped a blanket over his friends' bodies before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Makino," Yamaguchi started, calling over Nao who held his phone in his hand. "Send me that picture of Tsukki and Momo-chan?"

"Sure." Nao's smirk broadened as he forwarded it to Yamaguchi. "Now, onto plan two."

"Plan two?" Yamaguchi reiterated, entering the living room with Nao at his side.

"Nevermind," Nao snickered, whipping out his phone to take pictures of Kaito. "Seems like his plan already worked."

Kaito was fast asleep on the end of the couch with Yachi laid up beside him, fast asleep too. They were covered by a blanket that Ichirō had given.

The sight of the sleeping couples made Yamaguchi feel single as hell. Now, he wanted a girlfriend of his own.

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