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It's been like EIGHT HOURS since i dropped that last update and ive read some of yalls opinions/thoughts on the characters listed

I asked of that bc sometimes i feel like yall don't understand where im coming from and what direction i want the character to go and also cause im curious on the thought process of my readers

lets get this straight tho JAHSEH RAPED THAT NIGGA. IT IS CANON.

i get still wanting to be on his side bc yk its jah but please dont dismiss the evil deeds hes done. and if you fill iffy about it here: jahseh can handle his liquor, tyler cant. Tyler was flat out drunk, jahseh was tipsy. Verbal consent wasnt given. Ive had so many talks with like friends and family who HAVENT read my book and they all deemed it as rape(i asked them just to see if they could understand where i was coming from)

anyways heres my thought process on the characters i asked yall about

Jahseh- Of course we all know he's toxic and a very self centered person which can brim from how he was raised. With having no present father and a mom that doesn't really care about him He's really been on his own. So yeah he only cares about himself, it doesn't matter if hes in a relationship or have really good friendships because he knows in the end they'll either leave or he'll drive them away. His comfort thing is sex, which earlier mentioned in a convo with trav and stoke how jahseh pretty much hoed himself out during sophomore year. if you really think jahseh can change you are WRONG. he doesn't feel like what he does is wrong because its what he knows. as long as he isnt hurting himself it isnt an issue to him.

Jahmier- WHEW my bird baby. Hes lost. he doesnt know what the fuck he wants anymore but he does know he needs to take a mental break. as much as he is lost hes also very dependent on friends and family. hes a follower, not a leader, so when jahseh would do something toxic those traits would pass on to jahmier. it'd basically be like oh well jahseh thinks its cool and thats my boyfriend so i should do the same. he'd much rather be like Jahseh and be loved by him then to have nothing at all because at least its something . im still trying to develop his character tbh

kyle- everyone says hes the nicest and an underpaid therapist but hes actually just a normal person, you see being surrounded by a bunch of toxic people will make you seem like youre a much nicer person then them but its not true. kyle just doesnt have the mental issues or childhood trauma like most of them have, grew up with a loving family and the only traumatic thing that has ever happened to him was the car accident other than that hes just fine. now at first he wanted to help these niggas get they life together but after a while he realized you cant help those who dont want it. if they cant see theyre broken then its not his job to force them to get it together. also they pretty much adults now Kyle prolly realizing that these niggas are not his kids nor problems and that they need to get they life in check on their own

Taymor- i personally think tay is me tbh. he calls bullshit when he sees it, is a little messy from time to time(sometimes its accidental) and he can fess up and acknowledge when he himself has fucked up. hes a gang banger with a steady head. now i know yall mfs be like "he shot jah!!!!11!!" lets all remember that tay told that nigga if he wanted to fight he was going to shoot him so he did warn him. also like kent said tay is constantly being forced to prove himself bc everyone says hes cap when it comes to gang shit. he takes being in a gang seriously because in the end thats his family so when people shit on him it almost feels like theyre disrespecting his am ya feel? as for his jokes? yeah he just a comedian who dont care what the situation is, you fuck up you gon get joked about

Frank- boy at first some of you mfs still were tryna defend frank and that shit made me wanna delete wattpad but yall coming around to realize that hes just as bad as jahseh. now hes not a selfish person but he doesnt care as much about his friends as he should. now trust he will support whatever you do whether its sum bad or good but if it gets boring for him hes real quick to flip and act like the enemy it doesnt matter where he is he stays in the groupchat because he LIVES for drama, its why he wanted to move to la and work in the music industry in the first place, once he realized that the drama wasnt as good as his old friend group he went right back. Craig tries to tell him all the time and frank just ignores it even if craig has good intentions.

Tyler- one word. Aspergers. Tyler has extreme aspergers, he doesn't understand shit happening in the groupchat half the time. hes smart but social ques and other things are literally a foreign thing to him. he doesnt speak on being raped because well he doesnt comprehend it, its pretty much why rakim never argues with t because in the end t is just gonna be confused and rakim more frustrated than he began with. hes a sweetheart he is but its going to take him a while to get that jahseh isnt a friend thats meant to be in his life forever, actually most of the people arent meant to be in his life forever besides kyle and rakim. just know that hes trying his hardest

Omar- THE FACT THAT YOU NIGGAS LIKE HIM NOW AND THINK HES CHANGING IS FUNNY TO ME. hes more quiet now that IS LITERALLY the only thing thats changed LMAO. nigga he is scared of possibly dying now knowing that people will go far enough to try and kill him. hes still a messy ass nigga but he picks and chooses what he wants to spill bc all he thinks about is 'how will this affect me if i say it' so if he ever has tea, he tells someone else it and they spill it without mentioning him. omar dont care about any of these niggas besides gazzy and metri

^^^thats basically it but idk lately ive found myself arguing with readers or getting mad bc they cant comprehend simple shit. you can have ur own head canons about the genius boys but jesus just dont comment it. bc i read ALL comments. oh and some of u mfs weird LMAOOO but i love yall! to my mutual readers yall get fat kisses on the foreheads if u have any questions contact or feel free to follow me on these social medias amen:

twitter- feliciasintern

insta- feliciasintern or spamsei

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