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I got a question for y'all ima list a few people and I want y'all describe them based on genius canon, like how you think they are or why they act the way they do , I wanna see if we on the same wave length








Xxxtentacion: we should add some people to the gc

Blonde: like who tho, I mean I can add Adam

Xxxtentacion: YES

Aminé has been added to the groupchat

Aminé: who's this funky bunch

CraigXen: oh hey Adam

Aminé: Craig!

Blonde: Adam welcome to my gc that I tell you about like 24/7

Aminé: the one with all the teens?

Cloudyskies: damn mf you not that older than us 💀

Aminé: y'all are immature as hell though

Smokepurpp: how are you any better df

Tayk: Omar you don't even know him

Aminé: exactly^ I've heard stories from frank and Craig that just make y'all out to be horrible ass people

Aminé: prove me wrong if you'd like

Feliciathegoat: everyone in here fucked up but me 🗿

Xxxtentacion: don't ever reach like that again t

Blonde: akfnakfnkan

Xaniety: nigga Tyler ur just as bad as us

Feliciathegoat: Diego the only bad thing you do is be racist and it still makes you look pathetic

Feliciathegoat: anyways kim' hasn't been talking to me and it's kinda making me upset

Blonde: Aw :( do you know why he's been avoiding you?

Feliciathegoat: probably because I wanted to stay in the group chat

Xxxtentacion: that makes no fucking sense

Xxxtentacion: like t is his own person and should be allowed to be friend with whoever he wants to

Tayk: idk if my boyfriend was friends with his rapist I'd be a lil on edge

BasedSavage3600: LMFAO TO HELL

Xxxtentacion: we've been established it wasn't rape

Cloudyskies: now jah 🗿

Cloudyskies: in the eyes of the law you'd be arrested in a heart beat

Xxxtentacion: yo ass would know about the law bc u love threatening to sue niggas

Xxxtentacion: anyways me and Tyler are cool and we both know how we feel about the situation

Aminé: sounds manipulative to me Tyler hasn't even said one word about this bit but you seem to be speaking for him

Tayk: what's that?

Tayk: BARS

Xxxtentacion: Adam shut up before I fuck yo fine ass

Smokepurpp: ???????? So he get a pass for being attractive?

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