Twist and Shout (Destiel)

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Twist and Shout by gabriel and standbyme

Posted on AO3

Pairing: Destiel, Sam/Jessica, Balthazar/Castiel

Rating: Explicit

Chapters: 12

Word Count: 97,556

Summary: What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.


So I know this is the fic that every Destiel fan is supposed to have read but even though I've shipped them for ages I kept putting it off until now.

Honestly, I went in very blind. I didn't even read the summary of the fic initially. All I knew was that this story had the reputation for breaking people and wow it sure did.

I devoured this over the past three days and I spent the large majority of that time crying. This was just so beautifully written. I can't do it justice with words. All I can say is I hope that one day I can write something this impactful and if you haven't read this yet for some reason then I highly recommend you do so after you make sure you have tissues nearby.


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