The Unfortunate State

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~Chapter 9: The Unfortunate State~

The bell rang throughout the whole school building. Piercing the silence.

"Okay class. Remember to work on your projects! They are due in two weeks from today! So long!" Luke exclaimed from his desk.

Jace looked around the room for the umpteenth time looking for his girlfriend and found yet again that she was not present. It made him feel protective and concerned at the same time. What could Starkweather possibly want Clary to do for twenty five minutes?! He made his way up to Luke's desk and stood there with his arms crossed. Luke was checking people's book choices and was somehow getting everyone's choice written down through the many shouts which were given to him. Many students were talking at the same time to tell him their choice. It was hectic overall. Jace stood there uncharacteristically and waited till everyone left to ask Luke his question.

"Do you know when Clary is going to be back?", he asked.

Luke looked at him and then at the clock then at him then at the clock again. He looked puzzled.

"She has been gone for rather a long time hasn't she? Well, I'm sure you'll see her in Mr. Starkweather's class. Will you mind taking her books for her? She asked me to ask you that."

"Oh sure yeah. Uh... See you later?".

"Yeah. Bye Jace." Luke replied looking at his computer now.

Jace turned around with a puzzled look on his face and got his books. He went over to Clary's desk, which was right in front of his, and got her books from her desk. He found it odd that she would leave without taking her bag but he took that too. He slung it on his shoulder and set her books in it and his books in his own backpack. He was starting to go out the door when Luke stopped him.

"Oh and Jace?" He asked from his desk.

Jace turned around to look at Luke.

"Be good to her, okay?

Jace nodded, a satisfied smile on his face, and turned around, leaving the classroom.


Jace walked quickly towards the theatre and opened the door in a quick, swift motion. This was with somewhat of a difficulty, however, seeing as if he was holding two backpacks and they got in the way as he moved around. With long strides he walked to the seats where Isabelle and Simon were sitting. There was two seats open next to the right of Isabelle, preferably for Clary and Jace. Deep concern was starting to grow as he noticed his red head was no where in the seats. He went into the aisle where Isabelle and Simon were and sat next to Isabelle.

"Do either of you two know where Clary is?"

Isabelle and Simon looked at him with concern.

"She's still not back?" Isabelle asked.

Jace shook his head, "It's quite concerning." He saw walking from a corner of the room was Mr.Starkweather looking rather causal. "Should we ask Mr.Stark? After all, he was the one who called her down."

"Yeah. Lets go." Simon said getting himself ready to get out of the velvet chair.

"All of us?", Jace questioned.

"Oh lay off it man! Clary is my friend too!" Simon replied.

Jace rolled his eyes and got out of his chair. "Fine. Lets go you two."

Simon smirked, happy with himself, before standing up and taking Isabelle's hand, as if claiming she's his, and walking up to Mr.Starkweather.

As the trio went up to Mr.Starkweather, his face lit up in false excitement. "Ah Herondale your here today. Ready to participate are you?"

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