Chapter 2 - Awkwardness and Oddness

Start from the beginning

He chuckles, squeezing my head comfortingly before he stops and glances at the brothers and then back at Rebekah. "She stays with me, if you try to separate us we'll fight our way out."

I nod and then stand beside him squeezing his hand back "We're both quite vicious when backed into a corner after all." I say with a wide smile on my face.

Kol and Klaus smile widely at that, Elijah and Finns' mouths quirk up in amusement.

Aiden chuckles beside me before turning serious and glancing at the Mikaelson brothers. "Are we going to have problems here?"

"NO!" Rebekah says, glancing at her brothers with a glare "No, you won't have any problems staying here I swear." Aiden watches her carefully, his eyes soft.

Has my big bro got a crush!! Awww!

"How about we take this to the living room?" Elijah asks us elegantly, fixing his tie and everything, except for the fact that blood is still on his hands of course. .

I raise my hand before he turns and he raises an eyebrow at me in amusement "Yes Miss?"


He smirks at me "you don't have to raise your hand here Miss Moher, now what was your question."

"You should probably wash your hands, I know Elizabeth Báthory might of thought that bathing in blood was good for your skin but it's not the 1700,s anymore and that's just gross." I say with a frown.

"I believe she preferred young women or virgin blood actually" Elijah says with a smirk "but yes I will be cleaning my hands after we get you settled."

"See, now he'd be fun to watch Stay Alive with." I say with a smirk as I bump my brother playfully, he huffs as Elijah winks at me.

Kol falls into step right behind me as we walk towards the living room and Klaus falls into step beside him, I glance behind us nervously at them.

I almost feel like we're being herded to our death or something.

"I'm not going to attack you darling, well, not unless you want me too of course." Kol says with a wicked smirk, Klaus hits him on the head.


"Don't scare our mate Kol." Klaus growls as he smacks his brother on the head again before he glances at me with a smile "Hello Love"

I flush "Hello?" I mutter before letting my brother drag me along more.

The rest of the walk into the living room is quiet. Aiden and I sit at the loveseat cautiously, my free hand staying over the knife strapped to my leg, my brothers hand is near his hand gun at his waist, hidden from sight, we had to be prepared if daddy came of course.

"This is really awkward, hey bro, if we somehow traveled into a TV does that mean I can quit going to high school now?" I ask him hopefully.

Aiden snorts and shakes his head "No, you're in your last year, you're going to finish schooling."

I pout and slouch in my seat "damnit, you know I'll probably have to punch someone again? I don't know if it's the redhair or how I ignore them that makes people think they can do whatever they want to. It's annoying."

"You punch people on a regular basis?" Klaus and Kol ask intrigued.

I press my lips and nod. Aiden looks at me again and grabs my hand.

"I think the more appropriate question is why do you punch people on a regular basis." Elijah says.

"We just met, I don't need to tell you anything." I say with a huff.

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