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After reminiscing about when I first heard the stories of the tunnels I was bored of hiding in the shadows, so I decided to leave and head to the boarding house. I was most likely the only person who could deal with them since Elijah was clearly up to something. I drove to the boarding house and didn't bother knocking as I entered.

"Good afternoon," I smiled as I walked into the large living room. "It's been awhile hasn't it?"

"What do you want Cleo." Damon asked, not looking up from his book.

"Oh come on, I heard from a little blonde birdie that you've been wondering how I've been." I shrugged. "I figured it's time to move past old grudges and start anew." I sat down beside my older brother and pulled the book out of his hands.

He sighed finally turning to look at me. "This isn't like you, what are you up to?" He asked calmly.

"There we go, a conversation starter. Well lately I've been trying to keep out of trouble, as promised, but you know me, curious as ever. I seem to have stumbled into some sort of plot that Esther is concocting." I leaned against the back cushion with a smile.

"Now I get it, you think I know what she's planning-"

"No, no, not at all. I was just bored, so I decided to stop by."

"Bored? At the Mikaelson's? How could you be, didn't you choose them over your brothers?" He grabbed his book back out of my hands once I started to open it.

"I didn't choose anybody over anybody. My brothers were being pricks so I took a break till they could come down off their high horses. By the way, has that happened yet?" I looked over with a bright smile.

"You mean do we approve of you being married to Klaus? No-"

"What is she doing here?" I looked over to see Stefan standing in the doorway.

"Stefan, good to see you too little brother."

"Damon?" Stefan decided to join us in the living room, sitting on the couch across from us.

"Don't look at me, apparently she's on a 'quest'." I gently smacked Damon's arm.

"I seek peace. As I was telling Damon, I thought it was about time to move past all the drama, try to get back to our normal sibling routine." I chuckled.

"Cleo, we thought you were dead for over a century, what even is normal now?" Stefan asked.

"Besides, even if you want to move past everything, who says we want to?" I looked over at Damon.

"You're really gonna make me say it aren't you?" I sighed as I watched Damon smirk. "I missed my brothers ok? I know I was pissy about Elena but I don't want some girl to ruin my sister status. I know, you called it, even when I get pissed I still care. You were right, and I'm sorry." I took a deep breath, "but I had every right to be upset. You locked me in the cellar, alone. You were constantly putting Elena's safety over mine and talking about choosing people over your family. I married Nik, yes, that makes him my family, as well as Elijah and Bekah and Kol. But you were constantly choosing Elena over me, it hurt to be in that position," I felt tears stinging my eyes but I ignored them, "I left because I was hurt." I could see that their faces had softened, I knew they were actually listening and for once it felt like they cared. I quickly wiped away the forming tears and smiled. "Man, it really is like old times, me getting upset over the tiniest things and having to apologize for my behavior." I chuckled as I saw Stefan smile at my comment.

"Cleo, as much as I hate to admit it, you were right too." Stefan said softly. "But as far as I was concerned you could take care of yourself, you didn't need our help to do that."

"I should have defended you when our dad kicked you out, I'm your older brother and I didn't protect you then. I don't think I have a right to now, you've hardened, you can take care of yourself." I realized that was about the closest thing to an apology I would ever get from Damon.

"How about from now on we just try not to lock each other in cellars?" We all chuckled at my joke. I checked my phone seeing a text from Nik. "I should get back, I'm glad that I was able to stop by." I got up and started walking to the door. "Oh, before I forget," I gulped, not knowing how this would go over with my brothers who had followed me to the door. "I just want you to know, Elena met with Elijah today-"

"What?" Damon asked, now clearly pissed, I flinched at his loud voice before Stefan put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not sure what all is going on, but I wanted to make sure you both knew that I'm completely out of the loop on this one. I'm not asking anyone any questions, and I know you're both probably upset, but I thought I should just let you know." I looked between the two of them before turning to the door.

"Were you even here to apologize?" Damon asked, causing me to stop and look at him.

"I was, I was also here to give you a heads up, I saw them in town and thought you should know." I paused for a moment, meeting Damon's pissed glare.

"Thank you Cleo," Stefan said through a clenched jaw before nodding at me to go before Damon really started losing it. I nodded back and quickly left the boarding house, getting into my car and driving back home. As I drove I kept thinking about how simple it used to be, before I left Mystic Falls and before my brother's met Elena.

I know this has been repeated, but I am so sorry for being away so long. I finally reached my 18th birthday (In quarantine none the less) and have begun to leave the toxic situation I was in which meant I haven't had good access to a computer. I'm sure many of you don't care, but for those who do, I can't promise steady updates until I have a steady way to write but I will be posting a few chapters today to hopefully make up for the lack of posts. Thank you all for your patience and for reading Cleo's story, and I can't wait for you to read the next few chapters. As always, have an exceptional day, and I hope you are all doing well, and I hope my writing can brighten people's day. Love always, Kat <3

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