Kissed/Chapter 5

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As I stirred from the depths of slumber, the fever that had plagued me receded, leaving a sense of rejuvenation in its wake. I turned my gaze to my left, where the enigmatic Demon Lord Sesshomaru had kept vigil. A wave of sadness washed over me as I beheld his empty seat.

"Lady Kagome! You're awake!" Rin, the young ward of Lord Sesshomaru, exclaimed with unconcealed excitement. "You've been asleep for two days! You worried the others terribly!"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips at Rin's heartfelt concern. "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused," I replied, my voice still groggy from sleep. "Where is Lord Sesshomaru?"

Rin's eyes widened in surprise. "Lord Sesshomaru left a couple of hours ago. He was with you for two days, tending to your fever and ensuring your comfort."

A sense of bewilderment washed over me. "That's strange," I muttered, trying to piece together the past few days' events. "Why would he stay by my side for so long?"

As I lay there, lost in contemplation, Rin continued to fill me in on the events that had transpired during my slumber. The others had been anxious about my condition, constantly checking in on me and whispering worried words among themselves.

"Lord Sesshomaru rarely shows such concern for anyone," Rin said, hushed. "But he seemed genuinely worried about you, Lady Kagome. He hardly left your side, even when you were unconscious."

Her words stirred a complex mix of emotions within me. I had always harbored a secret affection for Lord Sesshomaru, but I had never dared to hope he might reciprocate my feelings. His reputation as a ruthless and detached demon lord contradicted the compassionate side I had glimpsed during our encounters.

A soft knock on the door interrupted our conversation as I processed Rin's revelations. The door creaked open, and a familiar figure stepped into the room. It was Lord Sesshomaru, his eyes gleaming with a mix of concern and something unreadable.

With trembling hands, I accepted the bowl he silently offered me. Its contents, a mysterious liquid, shimmered under the sunlight. My curiosity stirred, but I hesitated, unsure of its purpose.

"What is this?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Lord Sesshomaru's golden eyes met mine, their gaze inscrutable. He remained silent, his lips forming a thin, enigmatic line.

The tension in the air grew palpable, and a quiet anticipation hung between us. My mind races, trying to decipher his intentions. Was this a test of my trust or a gesture of kindness?

As minutes passed, the silence stretched on, becoming almost unbearable. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to break it. There was a strange power in Lord Sesshomaru's presence, a sense that he held the key to unlocking secrets beyond my understanding.

Finally, unable to resist the allure of the unknown, I took a sip of the liquid. It was cool and refreshing, with a hint of sweetness that lingered on my tongue. A warm sensation spread through my body, easing the tension surrounding me.

As I continued to drink from the bowl, Lord Sesshomaru rose from his seat and approached the door. In a moment of spontaneity, I grabbed his moko moko, the soft, fluffy fur around his neck. I smiled, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"Stay, Lord Sesshomaru," I said, my voice soft yet firm. "I must repay you for your kindness."

Sesshomaru stopped in his tracks, his golden eyes glancing over his shoulder to meet mine. His gaze was piercing, but I held his stare, my resolve unwavering.

After a moment's pause, Sesshomaru released a soft sigh. His eyes turned back to the door, and he began walking again. But just as my heart sank with disappointment, he stopped again.

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