"Really, cyborg? That's why you wanted a limo?" She prods, as a small bump hits the road and launches Saitama just enough to hit his head on the ceiling. Nice.

"To be fair, when I suggested that we get a vehicle to drive in, I did not expect the entirety of Fubuki's clique to chip in...and choose a limo. I thought it would be some sort of a BMW or a car about that size. Not this," he corrects.

"Hey! Don't call it a clique!" I smack him on the back of the head, causing Tatsumaki to almost spit out her soda. Surprisingly enough, despite the various bumps we've hit, the soda we have here seems to never spill. It's really convenient.

"I apologize, Fubuki," Genos nods. "What would you like me to call it?"

"A gang," Tatsumaki suggests under her breath, and I send a glare at her as Saitama hears her and snickers a bit.

"Hey!" I flush a bit, embarrassed. "They're actually strong and can do stuff, you know!"

"They're B-Class," Tatsumaki says, matter-of-factly. "You know dang well they can't really do much."

"Well, there's C-Class heroes that can do stuff, Tats," Saitama suggests. "Like Mumen Rider. Even you can't deny that he's strong. He's not conventionally strong, but he's got like the most mental strength I've ever seen."

Even though he's supporting me, I still find it surprising that Saitama could use the word "conventionally" correctly.

"Miss Fubuki and friends," A voice comes from the back of the limo. "We're here."

"Oh, thank you, Mountain Ape!" I express my gratitude as Eyelashes opens the door. "Thanks to you too, Eyelashes." I gracefully exit the limousine and lead the rest of my friends out of there.

"Man, this place is huge," Saitama observes, looking up at the building. It was quite gigantic, and from what I remember, it's like one of the most expensive places to eat at in the entire country. How'd you even get a reservation here?" I admire, my voice quiet, like childlike wonder.

"I mean, we're all professional heroes, three of us the top tier, so they were pretty eager to have this sort of publicity," Saitama answers. "The lady I talked to actually mentioned that a few more heroes were supposed to come. I think one or two more."

"Did they mention who it was supposed to be?" I ask, walking into the restaurant.

It's magnificent. It's beautiful. Never have I seen something so...regal. It was as if I walked into a castle and the lobby was just the ball room. How much did they put into this place? I look a bit more into the restaurant, and the tables are pristine. It looks like they're made completely of marble, and despite the place being open for an entire hour, the floors still looked shiny and clean enough that you could eat off of them.

"Fubuki, close your mouth. You're going to appear as a fool," Genos advises, and I realize how simple-minded I must have looked right then and there. I'm a bit embarrassed, but at the same time...how couldn't I be mesmerized?

The sparkle, the shine, the luster, every little thing about it...was marvelous.

"You know, Saitama," I address him, and his attention is caught. "You made a beautiful choice. This place...seems amazing."

After a few minutes, Saitama's gone up to the hostess, got us to our table (which made me feel like I was on top of the world), and the hostess had gotten us accustomed and thanked us for joining them for their grand opening.

The sommelier comes over to us, asks us if we want for any wine, and we kindly refuse. A couple minutes pass where we're just looking at the menus, not even bothering to deal with small talk, and I can just feel a bunch of people staring directly at us. Luckily, there weren't any children. I think Saitama's bald head would have gained a bit too much attention for being shiny.

Breaking the Barrier (Saitama x Tatsumaki)Where stories live. Discover now