.Jaime Preciado.

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I looked back at San Diego as we drove away. I sighed and looked forward to the freeway.
"Mijo it's a fresh start for us" my mom said to me
"I know mami"
I gave her a warm smile and grabbed my headphones and start listening to music.
After a few minutes of listening to music someone tapped my shoulder. I turn my head to the back.
My sister, Priscilla and my brother, Marcos were looking at me with the face. I knew what it meant. I glanced at my mother and she nodded. I grabbed the aux cable and plugged it in. Plugged in my phone. I played 'Can you feel my heart' by bring me the horizon. We all sung along.
'I can't drown my demons they know how to swim.. '
The rest of the drive was just sing alongs with my twin siblings and stops at gas stations here and there.
The three of us soon drifted off into a slumber when our mom started playing her mexican jams.
She plugged in her phone and soon we heard the mexican beats blasting through the speakers.
'Cama Cana Cameron yo soy..'

We laughed as she sang along and we all fell asleep.

"Loser...loser wake up.. LOSER"
I slapped my annoying hermano in the face.
"Ow dude were home .." He said with a sigh
I open my eyes and took a look around.
I see us parked Infront of a nice house. I get out followed by my brother and we both look around. I put my arm around him and he looks up at me.
"Our new home bro"
He smiles slightly and we head inside
We enter and look around. My sister came running from down the hall
"I already claimed my room." She said grinning
I chuckle and then glance at my bro and push him and run down the hall looking into every room.
"Cheater" he yells after me
I didn't like the 2 other rooms. I head to the last one at the end of the hall to the right. I open it.
It's a nice size and it has it's own bathroom. No shower. It has a window and a little place to sit next to it.
I sigh and leave my backpack in their claiming my room.
I hear the doorbell ring.
"Pizzas here" I hear my mom yell
I smile at the thought of pizza.
"I call the biggest slice foos" my brother yells running out from his room.
I laugh and follow.
"Thank you" I hear my mom say to the pizza guy.
I sit on the ground and she hands me the pizzas.
I fresh scent of pizza hits me and It infatuated me. In a nonsexual way Ofcourse .
I felt like something was missing.
Soda and chips.
"Were missing dranks and chips " I say
My family laughs at me.
"I saw a liquor like 2 streets down at the corner. Go get your dranks" I laugh at my mom saying dranks.
I get up and head towards the door.
I step out into the town that is now home. Haven.
I pulled out my headphones and played some attila. I walked in the direction my mom said the liquor is. It was at least a 3 minute , we'll since I walk like a turtle more like 5 minute walk. I saw the liquor was in sight. I walked in and the cashier smiled at me. I smiled back. I went to the first isle and bended down. I was looking at some candy my brother likes to eat, thought I might surprise him. I heard people come in. I turn to the door and see two guys come in. One had short black hair. He was tall. He had plugs. He had this perfect tan skin. Had tattos. He was perfect. God can I get any gayer. I laugh at myself. I saw he was wearing a misfits shirt. He and the other dude that I didn't really pay attention too went to the refrigerators. I stood up. Saw them grab some dranks and then they separated. I followed the cute tall guy, he had gone into the chip isle. I saw him grabbing tons of bags of chips. He walked further down the isle and he spotted ... Hot Cheetos with lemon. My favorites. I saw his eyes light up with excitement. I got the courage to talk to him an started walking faster when he started turning around while starting to say something.
"Oh my gosh Kell-"
We bumped into Eachother !
He dropped his stuff and started picking it up kinda quick. I saw a bag near me and I picked it up.
"Shit my bad amigo"
Seriously Jaime. Damn why am I so lame. He looked up.
I smiled. He saw the chips in my hand.
Oh yeah.
I handed them over and he took them.
"Hi I'm Jaime im new to town"
He nodded and looked down to his shoes as if they were more Intresting.
"Uh ok" I said not really knowing why he wasn't speaking.
"Do you go to EHS ?" I asked him
He nodded.
Does he think I'm wierd?
The other guy he came with was coming around the corner.
"Hey to-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw me and walked over.
"Hey man" he spoke too me
"Hey" I smiled at him
"I'm Kellin. I haven't seen you around town. You new?" He asked me
Guess everybody knows everybody here.
"Yeah dude I just moved here from San Diego" I replied to him
"Sick. Sorry dude but we got people waiting for all this crap" he laughed and I smiled.
"It's cool it was nice meeting the two of you" I looked over at the boy with plugs and offered my hand.
He took it.
"Uh bye guys"
With that I walked away to the refrigerators. I grabbed a 2 litter sprite. Grabbed some hot Cheetos with Lemon. The bag reminded me of him. I looked over at the cashier and saw them paying. Then they grabbed their bags and walked out. I sighed. I didn't even catch his name.
I payed for the stuff and headed back home. I hummed along to an mcr song.
I finally got home. I opened the door and my familia looked up and all said
I laughed
I put he soda and chips next to the pizza. Pulled out the candy and smiled at my brother. He smiled and grabbed it.
"Thanks loser"
I laugh and smacked him
I grab a few slices and start chowing down.
Damn .. I wonder what he's doing right now..

How I Live Now { Perrciado }Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant