"Thank you sir, I'm from the Midwest, a few more manners there." Said Ophelia and the man chuckled,

"Except for Wisconsin." Said Lolita, shaking her head,

"Don't mind Delores, she just hates Wisconsin. I don't know why. Something against cheese perhaps." Said Ophelia and Mr. Finnigan laughed, She knew of his random hatred for the Packers.

"And the terrible football team," Said Mr. Finnigan,

"If you can even call them that." Said Ophelia and Mr Finnigan laughed,

"You're a keeper, Carl chose well." Said Mr. Finnigan before walking into the event hall to find his seat.

"Have I ever told you how grateful I am to have a partner?" Asked Ophelia to Lolita,

"Without me your lovely loving self would no longer exist." Said Lolita, "Pops, you are going to make such a good wife,"

"You had better be a good bridesmaid." Said Ophelia, "For what I've forgiven?"

"Oh, still?" Asked Lolita as Carl encircled Ophelia's waist from behind,

"What did you do to my fiance?" Asked Carl, kissing Ophelia's cheek as her hands moved to rest on his,

"Nothing she hasn't forgiven me for," Said Lolita, "I'm going to say hello to Marjorie," And then she was gone,

Ophelia turned in his arms to face him, her hands on his chest, smoothing his shirt, he loved it when she did that, it calmed his nerves.

"What did she do?" He asked amused,

"She set my hair on fire." Said Ophelia, "Of course I almost for lack of a better word pissed myself." He chuckled,

"Where are we in the plan again?" He asked, his eyes heavy lidded as he breathed deeply enjoying the scent of honey.

"English, you did it, you're living your dream. You were a contract actor, you became a writer, and now your movie is getting made, the first of many." She said,

"And now I marry the girl of my dreams," He said grinning at her,

"Let's now get ahead of ourselves, English," She said, "That's not till tomorrow when I marry the man of my dreams."

"The man of your dreams?" He asked, she nodded, "I like the way you see me, my love,"

"I just believe in you," She said, "One day you are going to win an oscar, and then two, and I will be happy knowing I helped make that happen."

"I love you so much, Poppy." He said before kissing her for ten solid seconds,

"Save it for the wedding night, English." She said, before winking at him and walking away to her seat in the event hall.


"Merlin, is my brother hitting above his weight, look at you." Said Tim sitting across from Ophelia, this was the first time they were meeting, he wasn't there when she met the rest of the groomsmen. All she knew is that he had had a business conflict.

"You are too kind," She said, holding Carl's hand beneath the table as he glared at his brother,

"When Carl told me he'd fallen in love with a waitress in America so quickly I couldn't believe it. Has anyone ever told you that you have a worldly way about you?"

"You would be the first." Said Ophelia, trying to remain polite,

"Tim don't scare her off, or she won't come to family Christmases," Said Mrs Spencer-Moon, "We have to steal her away from her own family,"

Oh, Ophelia | Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now