🌟Chapter 16🌟

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    "Theo! Wake up!" Tiny hands shook me awake at nine the next morning. "Brandon says to pour water on you if you don't get up."

    Knowing that Brandon would most definitely have said that and filled the glass himself, I got up. Sean did have a tall glass of ice water on my nightstand so I was happy I didn't call his bluff. At some point in the night Jasper ventured back to his guest room. I got dressed in more appropriate Christmas morning pjs, Harry Potter themed top and bottoms, rather than my usual blue Victoria Secret nightgown.

    Sean went hog wild opening his presents in a frenzy only little kids can have so early on a holiday morning. I definitely couldn't summon the energy to match pace with him. Having anticipated this, mom put an overly large mug of hot chocolate in my hand as I entered the sitting room. Brandon thanked me for a new iPad which would come in handy for his college, my parents loved the meteor shower show and put it on in the background as we continued the rest of the gift opening.

    Sean sat next to me as he opened everything I'd gotten him. I was glad Brandon had talked me into the more fun gifts. I told Sean I was going to try and learn his language too and that made him happy.

    Jasper handed my mother the chocolate picture and a pearl necklace and earring combo. For my dad a sextant recovered from an eighteenth century shipwreck. Dad was very impressed and mom gushed. My boyfriend had gotten Sean a how to play poker book that came with its own set of cards and chips. I wasn't so sure about that but Sean seemed to like it.

    Jasper slipped me a small box when the others were occupied trying to get breakfast going. I gave him the present I had been working on.

    "Theo, thank you." He held a wooden horse that was posed in mid gallop.

    "I painted it. I'm not sure that shade of brown is chestnut exactly, and I didn't make the horse, but I wanted to get you something meaningful and I couldn't think of anything else," I admitted a bit sheepishly.

    "She is wonderful." He ran a finger down the side of the horse and I could tell that, for the moment he was back in Texas many, many years ago. I opened the box he'd given me and found a small antique but still functioning compass that hung from a white gold necklace chain.

    "So you will always find your way back to me," he whispered in my ear. "The compass is mine from my army days. And the chain belonged to my mother. It has been passed down even before me."

    "Help me put it on." Jasper did. Before he could kiss me Brandon called out to get in the kitchen if we wanted food.


    Around seven that night there was a knock on our door. Everyone else was busy with the game so it fell to me to answer it.

    "Sheriff Forbes, come in."

    "Thanks. I need to speak with your parents. Are they here?" He took off hat and held it in his hands.

    "Yes." He followed me to the sitting room where a training poker game was underway. Despite what I expected neither of my parents had a problem with a little kid learning poker. In fact my dad surprised me by saying he loved this game and had proved it by challenging Jasper. Two hours later my father had won in spite of Jasper putting up a good fight. Dad told Jasper if he wanted any tips he could always ask.

    "Did you let him win?" I whisper asked as the current game was put into progress.

    "I was planning to but he actually did beat me." Wow.

    "Mom, dad, the sheriff needs to see you." My parents and Forbes went down into the study. Jasper's eyes darted down that way and I knew he was listening. I took my mom's place and waited.

    They weren't gone long but when they returned my parents apologized, saying they had to leave for a few hours but would be back and not to wait up. Brandon and Sean didn't seem to mind and went back to the game no problem.

    "I'm going to get some snacks," I announced. "Jasper would you come with me."

    "Of course."

    "Bring back some chips and soda?" Brandon asked. Sean echoed that with enthusiasm.

    From the kitchen window I could see the taillights of my parents' car disappearing into the trees. The snow was starting to come down a bit harder and I hoped that the roads would be okay.

    "What's going on?" I asked while grabbing a twelve pack of soda.

    "A group of people have broken into your carpentry warehouse and trashed it. The silent alarm alerted the police but some of the vandals got away. They have a few in custody."

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