Seeing her

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Elijah's POV
Here I was, paying for my second gallon of full-fat ice cream after my worst date yet. Yes guys do that as well. This girl who I have had a crush on for what felt like forever finally agreed to go out on a date with me, but as always, there's a catch. Turns out, I the was just some rebound because her ex 'coincidently' turned up at the same restaurant. Of course that night ended quicker than I thought.
Now usually I don't care, but honestly, I was just so done with the dating thing and to be totally honest having been on the receiving end for the first time, regret all the times in high school where I used to do the same thing. I'm not a mean person, I was just a young idiotic boy back then who treated women horribly.

Emily's POV
Gosh where is the bloody pizza, why don't all supermarkets have the same- Holy crap is that Elijah Walker?
I stopped dead in my tracks not caring what I looked like as I stared at that brunette beauty. What the hell is my high school crush doing in the middle of Sainsco? His floppy brown hair was enough to make any women drop dead, and somehow he had gotten hotter since high school. I wonder what he is doing, his picture-perfect Instagram life I follow of his paints a pretty clear picture. In fact I was so lost in my train of thoughts that I didn't see-
"Sorry, do you wanna cut in front, I'm not in a rush or anything"

Elijah's POV
I stared around waiting for some ray of hope to fall out of the sky until the most drop dead gorgeous girl got in the way of my line of vision. All I could think was wow. She was absolutely stunning. Her long brunette hair was in two plaits matching her deep brown eyes, and she was wearing high waisted jeans and a cropped hoodie that showed off an inch of her beautifully toned belly. How hadn't I ever seen this girl before?

No one in particular's POV
'Sorry do you wanna cut in front, I'm not in a rush or anything?" Elijah offered, smiling down at the young girl.
A wave of anger hit Emily's face, leaving Elijah confused.
"Nah, you know what, I think I'm gonna pay for these somewhere else" and with that she walked away with her head held high.

Emilys POV
I can't believe it, how could he not have remembered me! Did 10 years of school mean nothing to him. All those times I said hi to him in the corridor, smiled at him in Maths and English, I can't believe I was so stupid to think he would even remember me let alone like me. I mean, am I really that forgetful? What I want to know is, did he actually forget we went out for like a month in year 11? Oh no he wouldn't have, because I was just one of his many mistakes that year, I was probably one of his 100 girls he went out with that week. Not even a month of dating and he had cheated on me with some poor other girl whom he did the exact same to the next month. I can't believe after all those years, I clearly meant nothing to him. And as of now, he means nothing to me, or so I thought.

Elijah's POV
Was it something I said? Alright, I'll admit it, I do think of myself somewhat attractive, however big headed that might sound. But usually when I try to do a nice gesture, the last reaction I think of, is the girl darting off to the opposite direction. Oh well, her loss. At least, that's what I thought.....
Her big brown eyes couldn't leave my mind, and her pristine features looking so innocently at me before she stormed off. Wow, I have never felt so in love having only seen them for about 15 seconds. My thoughts were broken when the cashier signalled me to pay for the items. Damn though, have I seen that girl before?

Please let me know in the comments what you think, I'd love to know!!

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