A Long Overdue Meeting

Start from the beginning

Mr. Yoshizawa: "It's a pleasure to finally meet you F/n!"

You: "L-Likewise sir!"

You shared a small handshake as you continued, part of you worrying if your hands were too sweaty.

Shinichi: "'Sir'? Please, just call me Shinichi. I get my fill of formal talk daily at the studio. Sorry it's taken so long for us to officially meet, my workdays are quite busy at the moment with all this Phantom Thief business. I hear about you a lot from my daughter though, she talks about you all the time!"

Kasumi: "D-Dad! Not all the time!"

Kasumi lightly hit her father on the arm, her Dad letting out a small laugh in response before continuing his chat with you.

Shinichi: "So, shall we get going? I'm told you're the one that picked out tonight's activities"

You: "Y-Yeah, there's a nice jazz club nearby"

Kasumi: "Oooh, sounds like such an adult thing to do"

Shinichi: "Haha, don't expect any alcohol missy, you're still a minor!"

The two shared another small laugh as you began leading the way to the club, happy that you had given a good first impression to Kasumi's father. After a bit of walking, you arrived outside Jazz Jin, waiting in line to get into the club. It seemed Kasumi could sense your nervousness, the young first-year moving closer to you and taking your hand in hers, surprising you slightly. Kasumi's comfort did help however, your girlfriend's smile relaxing you somewhat as you stood in the queue.

Kasumi: "Oh my, this place seems quite popular tonight"

You: "Tonight there's live music so it gets pretty busy"

Shinichi: "Seems you planned this out quite well F/n. Nice work"

You: "T-Thanks..."

As the queue of people slowly moved, you finally were able to enter the club, being shown to a table as the relaxing atmosphere of jazz-filled your senses. The three of you sat down and ordered some drinks together, the waiter heading off to prepare them as you began chatting.

Shinichi: "So, I hear you transferred to Shujin recently like my daughter, you getting used to city life?"

You: "Just about. I kinda like the hustle and bustle, to be honest"

Shinichi: "There is an odd charm to it isn't there? How did you end up finding this place?"

You: "A friend of mine took me here, you might know him actually. Goro Akechi?"

Shinichi: "Of course! He's a regular on the show at this point. I'm surprised though, that highschool detective doesn't usually spend much of his free time with friends to my knowledge, you must have quite a captivating personality"

Kasumi: "Akechi-san seemed to like his way of thinking regarding the Phantom Thieves"

Shinichi: "Ah, are you a supporter?"

You: "Y-You could say that..."

You rubbed your nape out of shyness, wondering how Mr. Yoshizawa would react if he knew he was speaking with the leader of the Phantom Thieves at this very moment.

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