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AN: This idea was from somewhere I don't really remember... It was nearly three years I think(?)  since I've last seen the prompt (?)  so please don't hold it against me? If you are the original author for this idea and want me to take it down, please dm me and show me proof! I will gladly take it down since this is not an original idea

This is SenShima, since I promised sleepykuroX3 to torture her with angst so xD

It was kinda tiring to write this UwU but it was fun and worth it 

(copied and pasted with little changes xD)

1. Death/ Suicide(?) :3
2. Fanfiction about irl people called utaites, although only using their avatars :3
3. Platonic AND Gay shipping (Pairings: SenShima, SenUra (courtesy of MikotoHoshizora2003), A little ShimaSen UwU)
5. I only skimmed through as proofreading so... not edited in a way?

Don't forget:

MaiMia will not take any responsibility for your tears, fears and trauma, so read at your own risk!
But, MaiMia will be handing out hugs, tissues, chocolates and cupcake if you need it.

Enjoy reading~


The body of a young brunette was found at the bottom of the cliff. The last person with him was his blonde boyfriend, who the police was currently holding in prison as a suspect. The police suspected that the blonde had pushed his boyfriend off the cliff due to the shocked expression on the brunette's face.

However, there was no evidence pointing to the blonde, so they had to let him free.

Even so, once a suspect of murder, always a suspect of murder.


"Hello, I'm Shima! Please take care of me," Shima said before bowing politely before his new class. "I hope we get along."

"Sakata will be taking care of you if you need help," the young teacher smiled at the purple-haired boy. "Why don't you take a seat next to him? Sakata?"

"Here!" the redhead raised his hand and Shima gratefully walked towards the back of the classroom where the said boy was located.

He quietly took a seat next to the redhead, who smiled brightly at him.

"I'm Sakata, I really hope we'll get along!"

"Now, now, Sakata." The teacher chuckled at the energetic boy. "Leave the chattering for later, focus on class now."

The class laughed but the redhead only smiled at the teacher before agreeing. Shima smiled to himself, already enjoying his new school.

The laughter was immediately cut off as the door swung open, revealing a tall blonde boy.

The air grew cold, much to Shima's confusion. Some of his new classmates were glaring at the blonde, some were looking away and some just groaned in annoyance.

"I'm sorry I'm late," the blonde mumbled as he shut the door behind him.

"Please come on time next time, Senra," the teacher's voice turned cold, the kindness in her voice gone. "It's not good to be late."

The blonde looked down, mumbling his apologies once more. His golden orbs looked dull and lifeless, causing Shima to frown.

Who was this mysterious blonde boy that everyone seemed to hate?

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