Kai Parker Screwed Us

Start from the beginning

"Not in there, how about the dresser."

As Parker makes her way to the dresser she opens the top drawer and begins to search until she hears a voice.


"I thought I absorbed you." States Parker as she continues to search the drawers.

"You did, this is just my way of communicating."

"Ok, what do you want?." Comments Parker as she as she stops looking through the drawers and looks at the mirror.

"I'm here to warn you."

"About what."

"About you edging closer to darkness." Replies Dark Parker.

"Ok, what about it."

"Right now you are in control, but when you do magic you begin to lose that control. As you've surely noticed, by the black veins that form on your arms."

"So every time I do magic, I get closer to being you."

"Yes, but simple spells such as telekinetic spells have little to no effect. The greater the spell, the greater consequence. But I do know, that if you so much as try a little black magic spell, or you absorb any amount of it, you won't be in control, the darkness will be."

"I understand."

"Good, but you mu—."

"But, if I have to resort to black magic in order to get my family home or to keep them safe then I will. If the consequence of keeping them safe is going dark, then so be it." Announces Parker, as she waves her hand over the mirror causing Dark Parker to disappear.

Parker picks up a discarded pencil from on top of the dresser and placed it into the palm of her hand.

"magicae invenire librum." Parker chants, causing the pencil to levitate before flying past her and implanting itself in a painting on the wall.

"Behind the painting, why didn't I think of that." Sighs Parker as she makes her way over to the wall, as she reaches the painting she throws it onto the floor, revealing a cut out in the wall housing three grimoires.

As Parker flips through the pages of the table, she comes across many linking spells and transmogrification spells, but couldn't find any portal spells.

"What if I wrote my own using, a teleportation spell to transport us home, a linking spell in order to anchor the spell and the power of the sand clock to fuel the spell." Parker mumbled to herself.

Before Parker could begin to write the spell she felt the presence of someone behind her, as she turned she came face to face with three figures.

"Jade, Wendy, Diego. What the hell are you doing here?."

"Your dad sent us here for being bad." Answers Jade.

"And now your Uncle Kai screwed us, so were in a bad mood." Adds Wendy.

"Us three will be in a much better mood when we kill something, and we're thinking you." States Diego.

"You can try." States Parker confidently with a smirk.

"Confident, good. We like a challenge." Announces Jade.

"So do I, but you three aren't that challenging."

"Wanna bet." States Wendy.

"Yeah, I do." States Parker as she raises her hand causing Wendy to be thrown into the wall, Parker then clenches her hand into a fist causing Jade and Diego to experience a pain infliction spell.

Wendy stands from her position on the floor, before flicking her arm at Parker. Causing Parker to be thrown into the mantle above the fireplace causing the glass ornaments to shatter, before landing on the floor with a thud.

Jade and Diego, being released from the spell begin to make their way towards Parker. Before they can get close to her, Parker twists her wrist causing Diego's leg to break and Jades arm. Allowing Parker the time to stand.

"Motus." Chants Parker as she throws Diego I tot he wall. Before turning to Jade.

"cesset diem anulo solem." Chants Parker as she raises her palm to Jade, allowing the spell to stop the magic of Jades daylight ring. Rays of sunlight emit from Parker's palm burning jade causing her to hiss in pain. Parker turns to Wendy.

"You know it's a myth that they burned witches at the stake in Salem, they were actually hung." Announces Parker as she raises a clenched fist causing Wendy's airway to constrict, suffocating her.

"Now you know how it feels." Smirks Parker as she flicks her wrist causing Wendy's neck to snap, as she falls to the floor. Parker turns her attention to Diego.

"Good doggy, now sit." States Parker as he aims her hand at him, causing him to sit up against his will.

"Now, roll over." Comments Parker as she twirls her wrist causing him to roll across the ground.

"Now, play dead." States Parker as she twists her wrist snapping Diego's neck, before turning to Jade.

"Now now, what to do with you." States Parker as she crouches down in front of Jade.

"Your crazy." Scoffs Jade.

"Maybe a little." Replies Parker as she stands.

Parker pulls her arm back before swiping it in the direction of Jade causing her to be telekinetically thrown out of the window.

Before Parker could move, she felt a wave of black magic flow through her as her eyes turn white.

"Josie." Parker mutters before falling to the floor unconscious.

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