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"Evil Is Powerless if the Good are Unafraid"

"Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future. And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students."

"Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. You're dismissed."

"Josie, Parker focus. None of this is working."

"You know, you're not gonna lose the election over an outfit." Josie states.

"And Lizzie if you are failing to prepare you are preparing to fail." Quotes Parker.

"I'm not worried about losing the election. I'm worried about what I'm going to wear to my victory rally. The outfit makes the speech. How do I look?"

"Maybe you should wear something that shows your fellow witches you're gonna take this seriously. It's a big responsibility."

"That is why I am perfect for the job. I'm a tastemaker. An influencer. People don't really know what they want until I tell them that they want it. They need me." Replies Lizzie.

"As exhilarating as this is, I've got to go study." Announces Parker as she rises from the floor and heads for the door.

Parker is sat alone in the library practicing a mending spell on her fathers broken watch for a practical lesson.

"Fracti simul partes nocivas." She chants.

The broken watch parts begin to mend together then fall apart again.

"Oh, come on." Parker exclaims in frustration.

"Anything i can help you with" calls a voice from behind her.

She turns around and notices Jackson standing there with a grimoire in his arms with a contemplating look on his perplexed face.

"Only if you are good at mending spells." Parker jokes.

"Well, it just so happens that they are my specialty" chuckles Jackson

He makes his way from the entrance of the library to the table at which Parker is sat, he takes a seat and puts his grimoire to the side. He then places the watch in Parker's hand and places his hands under hers.

"Let's try this again." Jackson smirks

"Fracti simul partes nocivas" they chant together.

"Fracti simul partes nocivas"

"Fracti simul partes nocivas"

As they chant the watch begins to levitate from the palm of Parker's hand, it begins to twirl in the air, the broken parts start to place themselves back into the watch, the fractured glass fixes itself and the watch falls back into Parker's hand fixed.

"Connective magic, can be more powerful than separate magic." States Jackson with a smirk

"Especially when it's with someone who you like." Replies Parker.

They both lean forward and kiss making the world fall away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. As they separate they rest their foreheads on each other's feeling the others breath on their faces.

"We should really get to the announcement." Giggles Parker with a smile.

"Yeah we should" Jackson stated with the same smile.

"All right. Voting is now closed. Let's get started. The werewolf representative will be Rafael."

The werewolf faction begin cheering in congratulation for their new alpha.

"So much for not wanting anything to do with the pack." Mumbles Josie.

"I've always wanted to be part of a power couple." States Lizzie with a smile.

"All right, settle down. Thank you. Next up The vampire representative will be Kaleb." Announces Emma as  MG stands up, and looks disappointed.

"All right, guys. Settle down!"

"How do I look?" Asks Lizzie as Josie begins to sort her blazer and Parker works on perfecting her hair.

"And the witch representative will be Josie.

"Sorry, what?" Exclaims a confused Parker.

"Thank you all for voting. And congratulations to our newly elected representatives."

The three factions begin to leave the hall as Lizzie sits in a state of shock of not winning.

In the Saltzmans room Parker is on her bed reading her aunt Bonnies grimoire and Lizzie is trying to keep calm by sitting cross legged on the floor with her meditation bowl. As Josie enters in worry for her sister.

"Okay, I don't know why Penelope had them vote for me. It doesn't make any sense."

"What's done is done, Jo."

"Well, I can step down, and then they'd have to go with the runner-up."

"Great minds think alike. I already asked Emma if we could do that."

"And Emma said no? Well, then we can ask Dad."

"She said yes, except it turns out I wasn't the runner-up, either."

"Parker was." States Lizzie as her and Josie turn to face and their sister.

Parker's head rises from the grimoire and stares at her sisters in shock.

"How I didn't even run?."

"Some of the witches ran for you." States Lizzie.

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