Chapter One: The Fight

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Modified Reality; Chapter 1: the fight

"Please Ashlyn?" Damian pleaded. Damian had invited Ashlyn to the Silvey family reunion and Ashlyn denied.

"No!" Ashlyn said for the very last time. "Damian, seriously, STOP!" She was mad that Damian kept persisting her to go. She didn't want to meet Damian's family so soon, and she knew her parents would like her attending the event.

"What is it Ashlyn?! Do you not like me anymore?" Damian exclaimed down the hall to Ashlyn, furiously walking to Mrs. Pritchett's room. This time, the fight has drawn the attention of gossip-seekers. Ashlyn, who noticed people staring at her, ducked behind her binder for cover.

"More like never did," Ashlyn mumbled to herself. Damian huffed and turned back in the other direction. Ashlyn put her stuff in her cubby and packed up for third block. Ugh, I have to sit by him.

~ ~ ~

"Hey, Chase, can you get my comp. books?" Beckett asked Chase as he walked through the door to Mrs. Dawson's classroom, noticing Chase was at the comp. book drawer. Chase got Beckett's comp. books and put them on his desk. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Beckett," Chase said back, with less enthusiasm as Beckett, and sat in his seat by Riley and Kirsten. Kirsten was drawing a stick unicorn on her arm, and Riley was sorting through her papers.

"Please do your bell ringer, it's on page 40 of your language workbook," Mrs. Dawson announced to the class. Riley, Chase and Kirsten opened their workbooks. There was no sound coming from the table beside them (Ashlyn and Damian's table), except for Bella ruffling through her workbook looking for page 40.

"Ashlyn, you never answered me," Damian whispered over to Ashlyn. Chase listened to ten from behind while he underlined helping verbs. "Ashlyn!" Damian said a little bit louder.

"What? I'm trying," Ashlyn snapped, "to work!" Ashlyn looked back down at her workbook page, tapped her pencil in frustration, then circled the action verb.

"Do you not like me anymore, or what?" he asked. "Why won't you come to my reunion?" He was getting frustration in his tone. Chase was still listening as he answered the last question and placed a line under have.

Are they fighting? What is going on? When should I do that? Oh, I don't know. Uh... Okay, Chase, focus on work, focus on work! Wait, I'm finished! What does that mean in Latin? I want some Mexican Coke. I love Guatemala... Or do I? Yes I do! Chase's mind was filling with jumbled thoughts, when another reply from Ashlyn sounded.

"Calm down! I just don't feel comfortable going to a Silvey family event," Ashlyn hissed, but her voice got softer as she finished. Damian still was not satisfied.

"Oh, so you dislike the Silveys?" Damian argued. He clearly took Ashlyn's response the wrong way.

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" Ashlyn flared.

"Ashlyn! This is your only warning," Mrs. Dawson said with a stern face. Ashlyn had her hand over her mouth, and red cheeks from embarrassment.

"Sorry," Ashlyn apologized, but glared at Damian as it came out.

~ ~ ~

The end of class came, after grammar and pointless bickering, and Chase still hadn't done what he planned to do that day. He pulled out a piece of paper and labeled it to-do. Kirsten read what he wrote, then giggled about something else, then was quiet.

Riley followed the traffic into Mrs. Kobosky's classroom to pack up. She slid her binder into her backpack, then waited for Abby to latch her bag. They walked to Mrs. Kile's discussing random topics on the way. Riley got her comp. book from the crate on Nic's desk and started on her bell ringer, thinking about Ashlyn, Damian and the fight.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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