Chapter 2

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I trudged down the street, looking left and right for any 'help wanted' signs on the windows.

After school I had decided to take the train up to Kamino Ward to possibly find a place to work at.

I had been looking for a job to take up some of my time and earn a little bit of money but I haven't had much luck finding anywhere, and if I did find some place I was either rejected or they didn't contact me.

I turned down a street that seemed to have some sort of bar nearby.

'Hmmm, maybe they could have a spot available to clean...' I thought as I walked closer.

However as I came closer the bar looked really shabby and rundown, but I still decided to investigate as I could hear the faint sound of voices coming from it.

Maybe it looked better on the inside?

The front door was all boarded up, but there was a narrow passageway to the left of the building, so I decided to go down it.

There was a door to the inside way further down the passageway, so I crept closer, hearing voices grow louder slightly as I made my way down.

I got to the door and peeked in a little, seeing a person made up of purple-black smoke behind a bar with a man with a....hand? on his face.

"So, then what do you suggest we do to kill All Might then?" I heard hand man ask in a dry voice, scratching his neck.
"I'm just suggesting that we wait to see if there is a way we can get closer or until All Might is in a better place." Smoke-person replied in a deeper voice, mindlessly wiping the counter.

I froze in my tracks, they were planning on killing All Might? What?

I quickly realised that this wasn't my place to be and moved my foot, accidentally kicking something over and causing a racket.

I accidentally opened the door wider as I tried to stop the things from falling but making even more of a racket.

I looked back through the door to see the two people looking at me, making me panic and scramble away from the door.

"Kurogiri....bring that sneak here." I heard hand man say as I ran, stumbling over things that lay on the ground.

I ran down the passage in fear, almost close to the exit and felt relief but it faded as I saw purple smoke build up at the exit, revealing who probably was Kurogiri.

I froze and stepped back in fear but saw purple in my peripheral vision, I was surrounded.

"Come on, if you don't cause trouble we may let you go free." Kurogiri said gently.

I could feel myself shaking as I slowly stepped back, purple and black encasing my vision before the inside of the bar could be seen.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Hand man asked, getting out of his seat and walking over to me as Kurogiri walked inside and shut the door.

"Tell me, why were you outside the door just then?" Hand man asked.

I tried to move my mouth but it was clamped shut, I could see red eyes behind the hand mask and they looked terrifying.

"Answer me or else." He said, sliding a calloused hand around the back of my neck.

"I-I was just looking for work..." I managed to say.
"What did you hear?" He asked, the hand not leaving.
"You wanted to kill All Might.." I repeated.

"You know too much, looks like I'll have to put you out of your misery, I can't trust you to not tell anyone." He said, grip tightening before the sound of a phone broke the moment. "Master?"

Kurogiri grabbed a remote and pressed a button where a small TV turned on displaying the words 'Audio Only' on the screen.

"Master, this wasn't a good time to call..." Hand man said to the TV.
"Why Shigaraki? What's happening over there?" A voice asked from the TV.
"We found someone listening in on our conversation and try to run away."
"Really? Hm, let me see them."

I felt myself being forced to move over to where the TV was as it went silent.

I stared at the ground, really scared of what I had gotten into, eyes burning as I struggled not to cry.

"How old are you, child?" The voice asked.
I didn't reply until I felt the grip around my neck tighten. "Fifteen...."
"What kind of quirk do you have?"
".......I don't have one...."

It was silent again.

"Master, I can easily dispose of him right now if you say so." Shigaraki said.
"No...I want Kurogiri to bring him here." The voice said.

I swallowed, what?

"Yes sir." Kurogiri said as a portal appeared next to me.
The grip left my neck and I knew I had to go through the portal or my life could be in danger.

I hung my head and stepped through before squinting.
The entire yellow lighting of the bar was gone, replaced with a more dark green light making it hard to see.

"Over here." I heard the voice say from next to me, making me turn.

I stumbled back, in front of me was a man wearing some sort of mask that had wires and pipes coming out of his head with a black suit on.

He rested his head on his hand and looked at me (well I think he was) for what seemed like forever before finally speaking.

"You're quirkless?"
I nodded.
"Parents die in a car crash?"
My eyes flew open but I nodded anyway.
"You live in an orphanage where not many people like you?"
"You want to be a hero even without a quirk?"
I looked down. "I do but..."
"All Might doesn't think so?"
I looked up confused but still nodded.

"He made you hurt, angry at yourself for not being like others."

I nodded and he went silent.

"I pity you, I can be a better mentor than All Might for you."

My eyes widened.


"Yes, I can even give you your greatest desire, in exchange for you to help me."

"What?" I asked, this sounded too good to be true.

"I can give you your own quirks and jobs to do for some cash, in exchange for you to help Tomura with bringing down All Might." The man explained. "I wish I could bring your parents back but that's out of my control."

I was silent at the offer, it seemed too good to be true but a waste to pass up. I could show others that they were wrong about me, especially All Might.

I looked up and stared at him.

"....It's a deal then."

"Excellent." He replied with a grin. "I'll give you a few small quirks that won't make you like the others....let's see...."

'Wait where doing this now?' I thought in surprise.
'Yes.' His voice said, penetrating through my head. 'We're doing it now.'

"Come closer, it may sting a little but I have a few quirks to give you, however I'll give it one at a time as it'll take you awhile to get used to it." He explained, reaching his arm out.

Word count: 1226 words

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