"Then fix it." I batted my lashes and turned back towards Anna One. "Is my cousin around or is he still playing his quest?"

"Manny logged out of the game ten minutes ago. He expressed some discomfort and wanted to log out. Nothing severe." Anna One gave me a small smile. "But he completed his quest today."

Discomfort? I frowned and looked down at my feet. You and me both, cuzzo.

"I will make it up to you," Luis said, not leaving my side. "As we're a team, I will be a better player, a better teammate. I'll be a—"

Don't say friend. I looked at him and gave him my fakest smile. "I'm going to log out now. Need to check on my cousin. We will play tomorrow, even if I don't want to."

His frown deepened.

"But, until then, have a good night." I turned back to Anna One. "I would like to log out, now."

Anna One silently acknowledged my request. With a wave of her hand, my menu changed. Log out was available; ready and glowing. And like the night before, I couldn't wait.


My bedroom came into view. The light from my open laptop illuminated the white of my ceiling. And Manny's, still open next to mine. But when I lowered my head to focus on the space around me, I didn't see him. Just his computer, a pillow, and a tossed blanket dangling off the side of my bed.

I frowned as I pulled the VR spheres off my head. "Manny?" I called out quietly as to not wake the house. I wasn't sure of the time, but we had played late. For all I knew it was three in the morning and the demonios stole him to dance with them during their witching hour. If was the case, Manny was cool at parties, and they would've gotten a kick out of him.

I slipped out from under my purple blanket and let my legs hang off the side of the bed. "Manny?" I called out again.

Instead of a response from my cousin, a meow sounded near my feet. Looking down, I found Beba cuddled up in Manny's house slippers. She looked up at me with her bright yellow eyes and meowed again.

I couldn't help but meow back. She blinked.

"Do you know where Manny went?" I whispered to her. I wasn't sure how I expected a cat to meow back in response, but when she didn't, I laughed and shook my head. "Of course, you don't."

My feet pushed into my slippers. Beba didn't like me standing next to her face, so when I took a step forward, she swiped at my ankles with a quiet hiss. Laughing, I stumbled out of my room and into the hall; dealing with my cat's mini tantrums wasn't a concern.

Manny was.

"Hey." With my hands pressed against my door, I glanced out into the dark hallway. There was nothing to my right by my grandmother's bedroom and the bathroom. That door was wide open with the lights off; Manny couldn't be in there.

So, I looked towards my left and quietly called again, "Manny?"

Again, silence. At least from the second floor.

I heard noises in the kitchen; a little rummaging, doors opening. Quietly tiptoeing downstairs, I passed the dark living room and stepped into the only room with light. I found Manny standing in front of the open refrigerator. There was a bottle of coffee creamer in one hand, bread dangling from his mouth as he held it with his teeth. When we locked eyes, he nodded his head towards the counter; at the coffee machine quietly brewing a fresh pot.

"'Sup, cuzzo," he said, the piece of bread shaking as he talked.

"'Sup." I walked towards the small kitchen table to lean against one chair. "Why did you log out of the game? What happened? Are you okay?"

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