Since that day, Loki had intrigued you. He was quiet and brooding. His onyx hair was smooth and wavy while his ocean blue eyes seemed to bore into your soul. You had made it your mission to befriend him, while he seemed to make it his mission to reject you.

Almost everyone had gone away on a mission, except for you, Bruce, Sam and Loki. Bruce had locked himself away in the Lab, while Sam had gone somewhere on a mini mission of his own.

The soft pelting of rain against the roof and windows, sounded through the tower as it was practically silent. You had spent most of the day, wandering around and leaving little surprises and gifts for your friends. Grabbing your book, you mosey over to the living room. Much to your surprise, y/e/c was met with the same ocean blue ones that were avoiding you.

Once you locked eyes, you halted your steps immediately.

"Sorry." You muttered sadly, dropping your gaze to the ground. Turning on your heel, you quickly made your way to the door. A strong hand wrapped around your wrist preventing you from moving further.

"Stay." A deep voice spoke in a hushed tone.

Nodding your head, he let go of your wrist curiously watching your actions. Without meeting his gaze, you made your way over the window sill that you often used as your reading nook.

Being engulfed in your novel, you hadn't noticed the man occupying the seat in front of you, until his outstretched leg softly bumped yours. Startled you, a soft gasp fell from your lips.

"I didn't mean to scare you." He spoke quietly.

Nodding your head, you resumed reading. Without looking up from your book, you broke the silence.

"What?" You questioned. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No." He spoke quickly.

Heat rose in your cheeks, as your eyes met his once again.

"What is it?" You prompted while raising an eyebrow at him over your book.

"Nothing." He replied raising his book signalling the end of the conversation.

Resuming your place in your novel, you saw out of your peripheral vision the soft gaze of the ocean eyes as they drank in your features.

"There you are Brother!" Thor boomed as he entered the living room. Stopping in the middle of the living room, sending him a smirk.

Both you and Loki jumped at the sudden loud noise. Before gazing at the blonde giant.

Quickly rising to your feet, you scurried out of the room.

"What?" Loki snapped returning to his book.

"You like her." Thor occupied the seat you had previous left.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Loki denied.

Silence fell between them, before Thor spoke again.

"She's a great girl." He stated.

Loki huffed in annoyance before he stomped out of the living room, only to be greeted with giggles in the hallway. As he searched for the source of the sound, he stood in front of Wanda's bedroom door. The door was left open slightly, revealing you and Natasha sitting on one side of the bed. His lifts morphed into a soft smile.

Later that night the girls had took over the living room, practically screaming at Jarvis to request your presence. Their giggling had filled the hallway leading to the living room.

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