fünfunddreiBig (35)

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The rays of the morning sun peered through the window into the room. Elena opened her eyes and sat up. Her eyes scanned her environment looking for a means of escape. A light smile prickled the corners of her lips when her eyes fell on a window. She eagerly walked to it. Craning her neck, she looked through the glass and realized that she wasn't far from the ground.

Elena turned around, grabbed a chair and threw it at the window.  It bounced back and she tumbled to the floor. She huffed out in frustration, as she watched the chair beside her on the floor. 

"That didn't work,  I  have to try harder"

Elena slowly got up and grabbed the chair again. She positioned herself to throw the chair at the window, only to see that a crack has appeared on the window. Her heart leapt for joy.

Adrenaline rushed  through Elena as she threw the chair at the window again. The window broke, sending shatters of glass flying around.

"It worked!" She said and jumped out of the window. She landed on the  ground on her side. " Ouch" she winced in pain and slowly got up, wiping the dirt off her body with her palm.

She took a quick look around to ensure that her kidnappers were not pursing her. When she noticed that she was alone, she dialled Don's number. The call went through and ended up on voice mail.

"He didn't pick my call! Asshole" She stared at phone for minutes,  gritting her teeth in anger. Hearing loud voices and footsteps getting nearer to her, she quickly shoved the phone into her pocket and crouched low in the hedges.

From her hidden position, she saw two men walking outside, looking around. It dawned on her that the men have realized that she has escaped and they were frantically searching for her. She recognized one of them as the man who slapped her when she pleaded for help.

'This is your fault!  You should have gagged her and tired her to the bed"

"Shut up, tony. Don't blame me for this. You could have also done it. Don't forget we're in this together"

"Liz, will kill us when she finds out that we allowed her to escape"

"She will do no such thing. If she tries anything studip, I will disclose all her evil plans to Don"

"Don't you dare, betray her! You pledged your loyalty to her and now you want to back out?"

Elena laid low behind the hedges listening to the men argue and planning how to eacape. She carefully took a picture of the two men and placed the phone back in her pocket.

"What are you two fools doing out here"  A lady's voice queried. The voice sounded familiar to Elena.

I've heard that voice before. That voice sounded like Liz.

Elena slowly lifted her head. She nearly screamed when she saw Liz stand before the two men. Deciding to take a video of them as evidence, she pulled out her phone from her pocket and starting recording a video of them. "Criminals" Elena hissed under her breath

"We we are looking for her. She escaped" The guy who slapped Elena replied nervously

"Well then, find her now and remember this is a secret between us. My brother must never know about this. Get your guns and everything you need. Find her! That gold digger must die"

Elena's jaw dropped in shock when those got into her ears. She never knew Liz hated her to that extent. Everything going on was a nightmare to her.  First, she discovered that Don's sister was behind her kidnapping and now she wants her dead.

Elena watched from behind the hedges as the two men followed Liz into the house. Few minutes later, the men walked out and entered a mini van. They drove off leaving the gates that were once locked opened. Elena heaved a sign of relief after saving the video succefully on her phone. She rose up from behind the  bushes with the intention of running for her life.  Liz emerged out of the building as Elena stood to her feet. Elena saw her and quickly crouched behind the bushes again.

Her heart was thumping loudly in her chest as her legs trembled in fear. "Shit, that was so close"
Liz was holding a gun. For the second time again, Elena created a little space in the bushes and took a picture of Liz. "Her brother will need solid evidence to believe me. His little sister is a monster" Liz's  phone rang. She answered the call and started walking into the building.

"That's it. This is my chance to escape"

Elena stoop up and ran towards the opened gates at the other side of the building. She ran out to the opposite direction of where the van went to avoid bumping into those criminals. Everything looked strange. The place wasn't familiar but she kept running.

Her stomach growled in hunger but she ignored it and continued running as she gasped for breath. She felt weak but she wasn't ready to give up yet. Her dry throat yearned for a drop of water. As she ran down the sidewalk, not sure where she was headed, she cursed the Day she met Don.

"I find myself trying to believe he loved me but no, he took sides with his sister, that viper. I want to believe that he's really on my side. Why am i even thinking about him at this crucial moment. I should be looking  for ways to get far away from here" She mentally scolded herself.

Elena stopped in her tracks. Her chest heaved up and down as she gasped for breath. She was looking for a way to get off the streets. She grabbed her phone and saw Carolina calling. She quickly picked the call and told her about her recent misfortunes.

"My GPS is on. Please track me down"
Elena said before ending the call

Elena shoved the phone into her pocket and walked briskly towards the cafe that was just two blocks away from her. Torrents of emotions raced through her. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry.  She wanted to hit something. And more importantly she wanted to cry on his shoulders but he was no where near her.

As She sat in the cafe, waiting for her friends. The two men walked in. She held the mug of chocolate nervously as her legs trembled. They sat in the far corner away from Elena. They couldn't see her but she was sitted at a vantage point so she could see them.

Luckily, there were alot of customers at the cafe, so even if they see her, they dare not create a scene, because  someone might call the cops on them. Relief washed over Elena as her two friends rushed into the cafe and engulfed her in a hug. Elena pointed a finger towards the men. "Get me out of here." Her two friends nodded and lead her the to door.

As they walked out of the cafe, a voice behind them caught their attention.. "Excuse me ma'am, you didn't pay for the milo beverage" 

"Ermm ermm sorry" Elena
stammered, reaching into her pocket only to discover she had no money in her pocket. Carolina realised it and quickly pulled out a dollar bill from her purse and gave it to the waiter. One of her kidnappers simultaneously rose up his head and saw her.

Elena tapped on her friends  shoulders as the men rose to their feet  glaring at them angrily. "Who are those men? And why they staring daggers at us?" Kat queried

"The men who kidnapped me" Elena replied walking out of the cafe with her friends behind her

"Let's get the hell out her" Caroline suggested as we all entered into her mercedes. She revved the engine and drove off as the men walked out of the cafe.

"I know they will be trailing us. Going to your apartment might be dangerous. Girls, we're going to Dons" Elena put in as Carolina stepped on gas, speeding down the road.

"Hey, slow down" Elena chirped

"I'll say kill the bit" Kat squealed

"I'm a rough rider, you know" Carolina teased as she increased the speed. Elena breathed a sign of relief when the Don's mansion came into view.

"Here goes nothing!"

Another long chapter. I hope y'all loved it.

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