Betrayed | Part 3

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Paul x infected!reader

Warnings: None 

Word count: 3,674 words

(A/N) - ThErE wIlL bE a pArT 4


The professor hopped off the couch upon hearing a buzz sound, indicating that someone was at the gates. “Who is it?” He asked as he pressed the buzzer to communicate with whoever was out there. “Hey Professor Higdens, it’s (y/n).” He let out a sigh in relief as he heard you talking instead of singing to him. “I have Emma with me and a few of her friends. Mind if we come in?”, “Not at all, (y/n), give me a second.” He walked away from the buzzer and called out for Alexa, “Open the gates!” He heard the gates open along with running and panting. “Oh my god. Thank you so much professor!” Emma shouted and you nodded your head. You ran to him and gave him a quick hug, showing your gratitude. Then you stepped back and said, “These are her friends. That’s Paul, Bill, Charlotte, and uh, whatever the fuck your name is.” Ted looked offended. "Ted" he spat out. You chuckled. Henry gave you two a questionable glance before Emma said, "Uh, we came from downtown. Now listen, this is going to sound crazy but everyone is-", "singing? And dancing? Like a musical? They want you to join them and once they get you, you’re a part of it?!” Everyone’s mouth dropped, shocked that he got it right. “Uh yeah… how did you-”, “I theorized this exact scenario thirty years ago!” Your eyes widened at the realization, “Wait, is this the ‘apocalypse’ you tried to warn everyone about?” He nodded his head. “Precisely.” Paul gave you a glance before looking at the professor with a raised eyebrow. “Really?”, “Really!”  There was a pause before Paul continued his confirmation, “Like exactly this?-”, “Exactly!” , “That the world would become a…” he paused again, looking at you. “Musical…” You finished off for him and he nodded. “You better believe it!”, “Oh I do doc…” You muttered. “Wait. So that’s what’s wrong with Sam?” Charlotte asked, pointing at the man in question. You were surprised with how the professor never noticed him before, even as they dragged him in. “Good god! Don’t tell me you brought one of them here-” Although he said one, you knew that there’ll be another one soon but you were unsure of who. “Told you we should have left him in the alley!” Ted exclaimed, holding his arms up as well as everyone else when the professor pulled out a gun. “You’re a monster, Ted!” Charlotte yelled, looking at him. “No! He’s a monster!” he retorted, pointing at Sam for a second before putting his arms up again as the professor pointed the gun at him.

“Alright everybody, calm down!” He moved closer to them as he waved the gun around, making sure they knew he meant business. Everyone made some type of noise until they realized he was walking towards Sam. “Providence has brought him to me. Quickly! Cuff him to the chair, make sure he’s secure. There’s no telling what he’d do if he were awake and loose!” He put his gun away and got behind Sam as Bill and Ted cuffed him, “I’ve been preparing for this day for decades. Now, all of the answers are right in front of me! If only I had the wits to decipher them…” He stared at the blue brain for a couple of seconds before grabbing something gooey from the top. You felt a bit odd as he moved it around but you couldn’t tell what the feeling was. Everyone gagged however you were mesmerized by the sight of it just as the professor was, despite the odd feeling. “Tell me Emma, what on Earth does that look like to you?” He asked as he walked towards her with the substance dripping down his hands. She paused, examining it as she gave it a name. “Oh god… I don’t know. Some kind of, blue... shit?” You laughed at what she called it. “What, got something better?” She asked defensively. “Well she is kind of right. Like seriously, what the fuck is this shit?” The professor asked. He looked at you expectantly for an answer. Suddenly a word popped in your mind, “apotheosis?” He squinted at you, wondering why you chose that word. “Well, it’s a name I guess…” Paul said giving you support, sort of,  “better than blue shit.” The professor shrugged. He pondered before realizing, “You all remember that meteor that crashed into the Starlight Theater last night?” They nodded their heads, giving each other a questioning look, wondering what the ‘doctor’ concluded. “I dare say it carried a deadly cargo. A contagious pathogen of cosmic origin-” Bill interrupted him in disbelief of what he was implying, “Wait a second, doc. Don’t tell me you’re talking about… aliens?” Hidgens cringed when he called him doc. People always mix the type of degree up with the profession and it makes him pissed off a bit. But, he ignored it and said to him with a confident look, “Why is that so hard to believe? Think of all the things we take for granted now that were once foretold in the pages of Bradbury and Azimuth.” The professor then grabbed something that was small and black that was set on a table. “Why, look no further than my robot assistant… Alexa.” Upon saying the name, there was a chime and blue light that was activated, showing it was on. 

~ Hatchetfield Oneshots ~ (ON HIATUS)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara