Chapter 3

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It was Friday night. Probably our tenth or so Girls Friday Night. Since Elle lived just right down the street from me I stopped home and grabbed all the stuff I would need. I grabed make up and wipes, pajamas, clothes for the next day, and other stuff I needed. As I walked out I grabbed money and my phone.

Once we got there Elle told me we were going to walk to Starbucks and we were off! Once we wee there I got a vanilla bean frappuchino and she got her usual chocolate chip frappuchino. We walked to our favorite place to shop. An outdoor outlet mall. We went to Forever 21, Brandy Melville, and Nordstrom and finally we went to Francesca's. By the time we finished shopping it was getting dark so we called her driver, Tarek to take us back to her house.

Once we were there we got in our pajamas we decide on Clueless. We watched and soon fell asleep. Around midnight Elle woke me up and said she had gotten a text from Jared, a kid in our class. She said he was having some huge party at his house in L.A.. It was a long drive with traffic but we called a cab since Tarek would never agree to take us. We ran and changed into some better clothed do we weren't partying in our pajamas and then the cab arrived.

We could hear the music from hundreds of yards away. We walked into what you typically vision for a high school party. There's the people hooking up. People getting drunk. People dancing insane. Very stereotypical, I know. Right when we walk in our friends Lana and Lorainne walk up to us and give us red solo cups. It had some sort of drink but I don't exactly know what. We were dragged on the dance floor and it was all a blur.

A little bit later I felt someone grabbed my wrist. Figuring it was Elle I went along. Next thing I knew this random stranger was making out with me and since I was pressed against a wall he was doing very well at not letting me get out. But the taste of beer on his lips I could tell he was drunk. I was struggling to get out but he wouldn't let me out.

If you haven't figured it out by now this person was not Elle. To be honest I was quite freaked out and very much annoyed that this guy was so idiotic and he couldn't control himself at a high school party with beer. After at least 8 minutes he came out of the kiss and pulled me to the dance floor. I finally broke away and snuck outside with hopes of finding Elle to no avail. I found Lana and explained what had happened. After listening she grabbed me by the shoulders and said, "Welcome to a real high school party honey."

We went back in soon after and got another drink.  I was still wondering who that stranger could be and since I only got a small glance before I pulled away it was quite difficult.

Finally around 3 am we called a cab and were driven home. Elle was only slightly drunk but right when we sat down in the car she fell asleep on my lap. I still couldnt figure out who the guy was so I gave up and decided to find out at school on Monday. We got back to Elle's around 3:30 and crashed on the floor soon after. It had been an..... Interesting night.


Hello!! I am Bridget and I am the author of this book! Just wanted to inform you if you have already read prior to this update. I did change them from middle school to high school it just went with the story line better!!! I hope you enjoy



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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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