Chaster 1

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We were what you considered best friends, her and me. Her name was Elle. Elle and Teagan. Always together. When one went so did the other. For a while that was true. Life changes though. You meet new people. You're given new opportunities. Life is never easy or perfect that's just not how it was made. It was made to scare us to death and make us challenge ourselves. Heck life causes people everyday to kill themselves. It's like Hunger Games. You have that one squad that joins together and basically tries to beat everyone until they decide they must turn on each other.

For me I guess that is what life is. Or was I should say. I was part of "that group." It was Elle and I and then tons of other friends. Yeah we had more friends than each other but we were sort of the closest of them all and it seemed as if we were the leaders. That was until Mason came. You know how I was saying it was like Hunger Games when the group turns on each other? Well, Mason James Miller was what caused us to turn on each other. Never will I regret us turning on each other though. At the time it sucked and I hated him for it but you learn that things happen and if you make the best of it, it can usually work out. I guess after a while of regret I realized what was in front of me. Love.

Yes I know high school love that's so basic. But, for Mason and I it really and truly was love. There were so many obstacles but at the end of the day it was awesome. We were happy if you counted out the drama. But, with a friend like Elle you can't avoid drama. She has to be part of everything and there is no news that she doesn't know. At the time of our friendship I was thankful. It kept me from messing up.... Most of the time. Sometimes it made me so cautious I would be scared to do things or talk to new people. Elle knew this and used it to her advantage. She would always...... 

Ok if I'm going to tell you this I must start from the beginning. It all began at University of California hospital.... Ok too far. It all began on the first day of sophomore year at Gold Coast Academy......

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