Chapter 16

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Casey's pov
I thought Brian would laugh at me(I would too),but he surprisingly didn't.he was definitely different from the crew because when I told them Leon and Vince laughed while Jesse scolded them and Letty smacked the back of their heads.Jesse and Letty both told me that it was ok that I couldn't swim,but to me it wasn't."It's ok if you can't swim Casey."he tried to reassured me,"No it's not ok,I completely ruined our date."i said.i looked at the waves,they were a bit rough today."Hey,Hey,"he said,he lifted my chin up a bit.i looked at him,"we don't have to surf if you don't want to,we can just try to swim.I'll help you out,I promise."he said.i hesitated,"let's do it,let's go for a swim."i said to him.he grinned,he then lifted me up.

I giggled as he carried me to the water,he then gently placed me down."thank you very much."i said to him,"You're welcome."he said.we then stared at the ocean,You sure you wanna do this?"he asked me."With you by my side,yeah I wanna do this."I said,He smiled.we then took off our shoes,the sand felt cooler and softer.Brian took off his shirt while I tied my hair into a bun,we then held hands and slowly walked into the water.I squeaked as soon as my feet touched the water,IT WAS FUCKING COLD!"I got you,I got you."Brian reassured me,placing his hand on my back as we continued to walk into the water.we then stopped i could still feel Brian's arm on my back,"this isn't so bad."i said.

"Told you."he said,occasionally small waves would hit us but besides the everything was fine.Brian then held his breath and went underwater,"should I do that too?"I thought.Without any hesitation I immediately held my breath and went underwater as well,it wasn't actually that bad!Brian waved at me and I waved back,we then went back up to the surface to breath.we were both panting,"wanna do that again?"he asked."Hell Yeah."i said,we then both held our breaths and went under water.Brian pulled me closer to him,he then kissed me underwater.i kissed him back,we both floated up back to the surface and continued to kiss.This felt like a romantic movie,and I was loving every second of it.

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