// My First \\

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  Ahh, My first! My sweet, sweet first. My first was with a girl by the name of Porsha. Porsha, Porsha, Porsha!!!! Damn, she was the one to gave me the slightest ideas of sex! She brought that out of me ... All of my creativity and need for sex, she was definitely the one. Porsha was about the age of 19 or 20 at the least while I was about 14 ... 15 maybe.

For my first time, I ain't know what to do. Usually, these teenage boys think they know what they're doing with a girl, but in reality are so fucking clueless as to where to put "it". I give props to the little teenage boys that knows what they're doing, respect to y'all. But I'm tellin' y'all, when I say I didn't know what to do. I REALLY didn't know what to do. But let's get into details and roll a flashback shall we?


I was over my big bro Marcus house chillin on the couch, waiting for him to get back home from clubbing with his boys and a couple broads. I was doin' what normal teenage boys do, ya know... Channel surfing, stuck in some games, took em' back out, go to the fridge, eat a bag of chips, and repeat.

As I walked out of the kitchen, with a family size bag of chips for the third time. My bro, came in the house stumbling with two chicks who were also stumbling. These chicks was bad!! When I say bad, I mean Michael Jackson BAD!!!!! One was a mixed chick with red weave, and then there was the other with long black hair, she looked like a Latina with a fat ass.

So, I just stood there and shook my head walking back to the couch like I ain't see shit. I continued channel surfing until I heard a loud thud. I jumped up off of the couch, being the little protective brother I am. I walked upstairs and busted through my brother's bedroom door, to see him in his boxers and two of the broads almost naked. I just stood there blandly, thinking shit happened. When, clearly they was feelin on my bro.

They all shot their heads at me and I heard the two girls giggle. I was so awkward, I ain't know whether to walk out or ask what the hell was going on. So I just stood there.

"Nice that you could join us, Lil Bro." Marcus slurred. The girls started kissin on him. I made a stank face and was about to walk out until Marcus stopped me.

"Yo, Chris. Why don't you go to your room and chill a little bit." Marcus asked. I looked at him like he was stupid.

"For what? I'm downstairs chillin'." I said, feeling even more awkward, so awkward that I'm feeling suspicious.

"Aight then, go turn the tv off and go to your room." He said, more like commanded.

I ain't feel like arguin', so I just did what he said. After I turned the tv off and put the chips back. I went up to my room like he said, but when I opened the door ... One of them sexy broads was in my room, the one with the fat ass? Yeah, she was on my bed, with her legs wide open. So, you know I'm a teenage boy, and teenage boys can't control themselves ... At all. I mean, she was basically a grown ass woman with a banging ass body. What teenage boy wouldn't get hard at that?

"Aye, what you doin' in my room? You supposed to be with my brother." I said, walking towards her and trying to get her out of my room.

"Your brother sent me in here. To ..." She started hearing her sexy latin accent, as she stood up and began swirling her finger on my chest. "Show you some things."

I gave her a weird expression and backed the hell away from her. I didn't know what she was on or what she wanted to get on. I was one of those clueless teenage boys.

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