He told them to follow him outside the gates of Everglen. "She's waiting by the Four Seasons Tree," Fitz said as he lightleaped by himself.

The rest of them followed immediately, and upon arriving, what caught their eye was 5 notebooks with their names, accompanied by a scroll.

"This... is my April Fools!" Fitz said, trying to keep his happy facade. "She's not actually waiting here." He added, giving out a weak smile.

"But, you still need to open the letters before you get to her prank." Fitz said as he stood somewhere far from the notebooks.

"Oh, and if it makes you feel better, you can punch me anytime." He said before finally retreating, bringing the 'notebook' and reading the scroll adressed for him.

Upon closer look, they realized it was a memory log, but of course, they all first opened the scroll, wrapped with ribbons of their favorite color.

In every letter, the first sentence that was written was



(All the letters starts after the sentence Happy April Fools!!)


Hi Tam!!!

The tea I gave all of you was real, but I mixed in a type of sedative where you'll wake up exactly 2 hours after you slept. That was my april fools, because my real gift is the memory log in front of you.

And well, telling you that we still have a whole day tomorrow, because we don't.

I know that you aren't the type of person to place your heart on your sleeve, but I was glad when you trusted me and my friends (err... except Keefe, but I hope you'll soon end up trusting him too) when we went to get you and ask for your help during the Neverseen.

We started with a lot of shadow whispering during Exillium days, and it was kinda funny because we were literally just meters apart and yet we talk secretly.

Even though my friends told me to avoid you, because you're a SHADE (which is something I never understood), I want to believe that we were fated to meet each other, because our paths still ended up crossing each other.

I don't want to admit that it's because I almost burned the school down, but I can't think of anything else.

Tam, we may not be the best buddies of the century, but I appreciated every moment we had. I especially had lots of fun during the Valentine competition, because I found more sides of you that I never knew before I lost my memories.

I wish I could still see more of you, or simply know you better, but it seems like I cannot.

I have left the Lost Cities tonight, in a mission to eradicate the Neverseen in the Forbidden Cities.

Only the Councilors, Black Swan, My parents, Elwin, Alden, Fitz and me knows about this. I knew about this mission just before the Valentines week.

I wanted to tell you guys- really, but I know that it'll only be harder for both of us if I did.

So I kept silent about it.

Happy April Fools? A KOTLC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now