But after three minutes of sprinting and screaming, the constant echoing screaming moving further away from them dropped to silence. Clint stopped along with it and listened, the sound had been so close but the abrupt stop sent a chill down him. They had to be close, but without the noise they wouldn't know what direction to keep going in. He'd already lost all sense of direction and had no idea how far they were from the camp.

"NATASHA!" he called out into the jungle with his remaining breath.

He took off in the direction he had been running in anyway, barely giving Steve a look to let him know the plan. His partner was in trouble, the plan had gone out of the window. Plan B. Regroup. Retreat. Come back later with reinforcements. If Natasha had been caught off guard they were in a whole boat load of trouble. She was almost certainly the most focused and arguable the strongest of them. He ran until his legs ached and his chest burned and he still didn't stop then. He didn't care how much pain he was in, all he cared about was his partner. If the situation had been reversed she wouldn't have given up on him. S.H.I.E.L.D. trained them to make any sacrifice necessary to the mission, but they had made an agreement long ago at the start of their partnership that they wouldn't leave each other behind for anything. He couldn't possibly have given up on her. She was more than just a partner. She was his friend. She was his best friend. She was his...

He stopped in another clearing surounded by a close-knit grouping of trees. From what he could see the only entrance into the clearing was the one he'd just burst through, almost completely covered by large plants and vines. He wasn't even sure what had driven him to launch himself at it anyway but somehow he had made it into the clearing. These same vines covered most of the trees, winding their way into any and every gap they provided. Wound together, they stretched up high, covering the height of the jungle where the sky was barely visible, and in a flash of red to his side, swinging from a solitary vine leading from a crossing of branches was a noose...and hanging from it, as still as the morning air, was Natasha.


Clint's cry was filled with anguish and escaped without command when he saw her body hanging, bruised and broken from the branch. She wasn't fighting. She wasn't lashing out. She wasn't removing herself from the situation with her usual graceful strength. Her arms were limp at her sides, her bare feet covered in dirt and blood just inches from the ground. Her face was covered with her curtain of red hair, curled and yet infused with mud and leaves from the ground. So unlike herself yet so undoubtedly her. She was just hanging...hanging...

When Steve fought his way into the clearing beside him, Clint had knotted his hands into his hair, staring at her still form. He was vaguley aware of Steve shouting his name but didn't react until Steve moved towards the tree and grabbed for the rope, climbing it with Natasha's own backup knife in his hands. It then that Clint snapped out of it and lunched forward to hold up her body so that when Steve cut the rope she wouldn't fall to the ground. It was odd, he would think thater, that her feet were only inches from the ground and not higher. He could easily stand level with her and stare into her eyes, but not like this. Barefoot, he had to lift her to bring her to her normal height, but it was when her hair moved that he saw her eyes were covered with a dirty rag tied around her head. He wasn't satisfied with this hold on her and lifted her bridal style in his arms, instantly loosening the rope around her neck.

Steve cut through the vine, and Clint gently bought her body to the ground along with his own. He loosened the knot with trembling hands and slipped it from around her neck. Steve was calling for back up, screaming furiously into his communicator for Stark to bring around the transport jet as soon as possible, no, sooner than that. Clint's stomach turned as his actions revealed the horrific rope burns and the bruising around her once perfect skin. Placing both hands behind her head to loosen the rag around her eyes, he spoke to her with a trembling voice. "Tash...Tasha?" She had to respond to that. She'd know it was him.

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