Start from the beginning

After listening to every detail

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After listening to every detail......Dorian said I might know what kind of monster it is......
Dr. Saltzman completed his sentence.....he said.... it is a shape shifting dream takes the shape of your worst fear......also called.....

We have to be very careful while fighting it

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We have to be very careful while fighting twists our worst fears and insecurities and breaks us mentally. Fighting it will need a huge amount of courage and mental strength. Without strong will we can't defeat it. Hope took the responsibility on her ...... She said I will defeat it ...I have a plan and for the plan to succeed the elder generation needs to stay out of it. Dorian was going to object but looking at Alaric he stopped. Alaric nodded and said go it your way.

Hope gathered the super squad which was already weak as it lacked 2 important members. She asked Rafael, Kaleb, MG and Landon to get their sheets and go to sleep in the basketball court. They always followed her usual they the same. Hope instructed them......
You will sleep but remember you are dreaming whatever you face isn't real......and whoever recovers from their fear try to pull the monster out of your dreams....unless the monster is in our plane we can't defeat it. All the best Boys......
Everyone cheered.....and Kaleb said..... COMMON IT'S TIME TO SLEEP.
Hope stood at the door watching everyone fall asleep. She prepared herself for the fight that she had to face. She casted a spell to contain the monster in the school so that it cannot go out in the human world.

 She casted a spell to contain the monster in the school so that it cannot go out in the human world

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She knew that someone will surely pull the monster out to this plane. She went back to her room to find the perfect spell to kill a dream monster....... ONEIROI.
Suddenly she heard thumping of feet..... someone heavy was walking around.....then she heard MG's voice.....Hope I did it I brought him here......
Hope ran out her room towards the gym, only to find the boys. She frantically asked..... where's the monster??? MG said it went down the hall Hope thought for a moment and said it's going to come back here as it cannot leave this floor due to my containment spell. Just as she said the words they saw the monster..... standing on the ledge of the stairs.

Raf and Kaleb tried to fight it but just with a flick of its wrist the monster threw them to the farthest corner of the gym

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Raf and Kaleb tried to fight it but just with a flick of its wrist the monster threw them to the farthest corner of the gym. Landon was hiding behind Hope and MG. Hope whispered to MG to stay out of her way......they saw Alaric sneaking into the room..... everyone understood that Hope has a plan they just stayed out of her way.
Hope jumped on the monster with all her strength and tackled it to the ground.....perks of being a TRIBRID was she had the strength of 3 supernatural creatures. She was way too stronger than Raf and Kaleb.

Just in time Alaric threw her an arrow she stabbed the monster with it direct to its heart and used her witch power to set it in fire

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Just in time Alaric threw her an arrow she stabbed the monster with it direct to its heart and used her witch power to set it in fire.
After killing the monster she stood up and said....Good job guys. Everyone smiled and cheered for their wonder woman....Hope.

But none noticed the dark expression on Landon

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But none noticed the dark expression on Landon.....what he had in his head had the power to destroy everything......

The edited picture is from....
Hopeforhopan 💕💕💕

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