I have to do my part, I know that. I have to contribute to this camp. It's my duty. I have been leeching off of them, getting lots of food, and water, and security, without them asking for anything in return. This is the least I can do for them. But why does it feel so terrible? Why do I feel so crappy about it?

When I was all cleaned up, I walked out to the office. I had to get it out of me before I changed my mind. If I didn't say yes to them right away, it would be a problem. I had to do it, while I could still have the courage to do it.

I flung open the door of the tent, and walked in, without announcing myself.

And that was a mistake, I realized as I walked into a gay porn video being filmed.

Umm, what the hell was that man doing to Goatee guy??? Oh my gosh, I blushed, as I realized, that gay men did it through their anus.

Yes, yes, I led a sheltered life. I can't believe though that I didn't know that gay men used their ass to fornicate. Oh my gosh.

I ran out of there, before anyone could see me, but as I stood outside in the cold, I could feel my body heating up. That was actually quite a turn-on to see them going at it. They seemed to be...

Okay, don't think about it, I told myself. Just don't think about it, otherwise, you are going to get horny, and how will you relieve yourself here? In the boonies? Don't even think about masturbating, with your dirty unwashed hands, I told myself.

I stood there for a few seconds, trying to calm my thumping heart, and then started walking off.

Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

I turned to see it was Gordon.

"Why did you leave without saying hello?" He asked, with an impish grin on his face. Oh, he knows what I saw, and he knows exactly how it affected me. I didn't say anything though. I had no words. I literally couldn't think of a rebuttal. "I guess, that's your first time seeing a gay couple getting it on?" He said, as he started pulling me along with me.

"Where are you taking me? I don't have time for this. I have my shift soon and..."

He ignored me. "It was quite a shock to me as well when I first saw them push their thick dicks into that tiny little hole. Oh boy, I was worried that they were going to tear each other apart, and then bleed to death on the tent floor. It was quite worrying. But when they started moaning and groaning with pleasure, I realized that they obviously knew what they were doing with each other." He smiled at the memory, as he kept on pulling me to his tent.

"How do they manage to fit into each other's anus like that? I mean, isn't that hole quite tiny?" I was thinking about the pieces of poop that manages to pop out of my anus. They are never as thick as a man's penis. Or are they?? I was deep in thought, as we ended up in Gordon's tent.

"Well, they have techniques. They use a lot of lube, obviously. But they also have a way of enlarging the hole, so it fits something bigger. It takes a while to get used to it, but eventually, their holes are soft enough and big enough to take even the biggest dildos. Oh man, you should see some of the things that these guys put into each other. It makes me blush to even talk about it."

We were standing in his tent. "Why are we here in your tent?"

"Well, you have something to tell me. Right? That's why you came into the office. And I have something to tell you. So I thought this would be a good private place to have our chat."

Something about him rubbed me the wrong way. He was way too excited about something and I was not sure that I was comfortable being in his tent like this.

Love In The Time Of PandemicWhere stories live. Discover now