guests ???!!!?!

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its been three days since harry and lily Luna got back from hospital he is getting better at dealing with the loss of Severus and that's only because he focuses all his attention on his daughter and friends. 

when harry has work either molly watches lily or hermione when she doesn't have work,and today harry got a call from hermione who is the minister so he just dropped lily off with molly while he headed off to work.[ he is an Auror ] 

harry's POV 

" hey mione  what's up" i asked really happy which i rarely was anymore 

" um harry we found something and you are finally getting better after severus and i don't want to make worse."   ok now i was nervous all i could think was it has something to do with severus !

" oh ok w what's up mione and what does it got to do with sev " 

" we found a new prophecy " 

" ok and what does it s-say " i'm really worried now and i cant stop fidgeting

" it states and i quote ' 9 months after the war when the child of the savior is born those who have perished will return [ this is talking about who died fighting for the light side also im sorry but Dumbledore will stay dead because he is not really relevant to this story and because he was like really old anyway soo yeah im sorry ]  the Savior will be reunited with his family and all will be well again.'" by the time hermione got to those who perished will return i was crying hard she hugged me for a minute then she said 

" it says family harry but i don't know if they mean severus so we'll have to wait and see if anyone shows up but if he doesn't im sorry please don't get your hope up ok "  i knew she was right but i hope she is wrong i want to see sev so bad its killing me without him the only person keeping me alive is our daughter. 

" so harry theirs two people who would like to see you again" at that my heart stopped 

and then i was tackled into a hug by Remus and Sirius !!!!!


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